My money is on Karesh and Avaloren will be the final zone for DF.
I’m convinced 11.0 will be the light v void expansion.
After blizz hard confirming Murozond last week, I’m sure infinite shenanigans will bring Yrel to us from AU draenor.
Then she’ll take her lightbound army to Karesh, the last place a void lord was able to manifest.
With respect, I hope you are wrong about Avaloren. Only because in my head I’m wishing for this to be a large landmass with a full expansion’s worth of content.
I lean towards 11.0 being somewhere other than Azeroth (maybe Karesh) due to Ian’s comment a while back about the cycling between cosmic and Azeroth expansions.
I love this kind of speculation!
Right, Karesh isn’t on azeroth. It’s the ethereal homeworld
I rly hope they bring Yrel back. I adored her. Named a cat after her.
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They definitely will after setting her up in BFA when recruiting the maghar
We just need a plot device to bring her to us. A plot device like Murozond.
Hmm. Would Magnus return for the void’s villain roster? 
edit: Hard to find any void related villains surviving, could be neat to have a goofy overarching villain. 
Pretty sure its been hinted next major thing is Viranoth and the Emerald Dream but thats mostly speculation based off datamined stuff.
Ah ok, thanks for the info.
Yeah, np. There’s a leaked cinematic too that goes with it.
10.2 definitely is emerald dream related
It doesn’t even necessarily mean she will be a raid boss we kill. We might fight her at some point, but I don’t think Blizzard will kill her.
I also don’t think the AU Draenor story of Lightforged Yrel is as simple as “light bad orcs good”
We are literally doing that right now and it’s boring.

Just blow through Avaloren in a patch so we can move into Karesh please.
Is that Millhouses father?
I don’t think they’ll kill her off either.
But it’ll definitely explore the concept of the light not being as objectively good as previously depicted.
The seeds were planted in the illidan xera cinematic
I don’t know much about Karesh. I heard it was destroyed or something?
Is it similar to Outland where the planet is broken but still supports life?
Yes, the ethereals still travel there.
In fact, that world.event in blades edge mountains has the final mob port in talking about how he was just in Karesh.
So yeah it’s just another outland situation.
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i hope its NOT light vs void. I’m so tired of the void, and the burning legion. Wow needs more actual threats other than those 2.
No they were planted when the Scarlet Crusade lead by the Balnazar-possessed Dathrohan was introduced. That is where we were able to see the Light could be used for evil.
I think their ultimate story thread is Light “creation/order” and Void “destruction/chaos” being forces that conflict with one another and seeking to dominate the other, thus the eternity of battle they’ve had with each other.
But they are doing a very poor job of portraying how the forces need balance and coexistence.
They’ve done an okay job showing how Light/Order in overabundance leads to zealotry or bigotry, but they’re simultaneously making ever Light-wielder in lore seem arrogant, incompetent, and blinded by unyielding faith–it’s not a believable portrayal of everything that players have ever liked about the Light, it’s quite frankly insulting. Where are the Light wielders in game who doubt their faith, doubt the path they’re on, and become unable to fight because they lack faith in their cause? There are none! They are all just portrayed as one-dimensional characters who never have doubts and believe they are righteous no matter what.
They’re doing an absolutely horrible job of showing how Void affects its users. The price for overstepping your control with the Void is consumption–you would think the characters associated with this force in particular would be the ones who are arrogant, blinded by their power and ultimately short sighted; but they’re not. They’re portrayed as cunning, pragmatic, competent and never suffer real consequences for their deadly dance with a power that seeks to destroy them.
Neither. We’re headed back to the Maw.