11.0: pls blizz shrink the vrykul and make it a playable race

I want High Elves though.

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11.0? A new BG map would be nice :yawning_face:

Those are- Those are humans, friend.

Shrunken down Vrykul are just humans.

Seeing that they are rejected in the alliance, I would like them to be placed in the horde. The rejected as gnolls, Saberon, tuskarr and vrykul are welcome in the horde

The story so far.

The truth is wearing you down? Humans are literally stunted Vrykul. You yourself admitted as much. It’s perfect for a cosmetic option in the barbershop (or even an allied race), but it’s an actual waste to use up a new race slot for yet another different flavor of human. Give us unique races.

How are they thematically incompatible? Humans are Vrykul. What does it actually matter if they’re added as skins? OP still gets what they want. And Vrykul in Stormwind makes about as much sense as any other lore addition in the game. Maybe some rogue elements wanted to reconnect with their LITERAL descendants.

Again, I’m all for more options, but lets not waste an entirely new race slot with a larger and meaner looking human. And to be honest, we already have the burly human option covered in the game.

They’re a different breed of the same race. Much like a standard poodle is still the same race as a toy poodle.

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I already know the history of humans since I started Wotlk and he believes me a human not because I am a deformation of the vrykul but because I was a new race and not because he said they were small vrykuls

Races come about from long-term adaptations and mutations of a species over a period of time (i.e. many generations) - a work of evolution. It’s not something that is simply born 100% complete from one single generation.

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no, according to the lore of blizz and metzen humans are a new race with different customs from the ones of the Vrykuls said by Chris at blizcon 2013.

They can’t be a new race. They’re stunted vrykuls. That’s the lore we’re told in game.

Well I mean we have 37 flavors of elf and only 2 of humans AND considering Kul Tirans are a thing (which are just humans from a different place) it isn’t completely out of the question.

I don’t want Human #3.
Give us more dragon stuff.

Customs don’t make a race. Genetics do.

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With the recent state of the lore I’m beyond how it would be added, you can rp a Kul Tiran as a baseline human for example.

It probably won’t happen anyway but we can dream.

You are saying the same as me, they are 2 different races even though they descend from the same.

Toy poodles are still poodles. Little people are still homosapiens. Humans are still Vrykul. They’re just fun-sized Vrykul.

It is not like that, I give you an example, the drusts are vrykuls and the kultirans by Lore descend from the drusts (well written by the ingame in the drustvar campaign) there you have it

All that proves is that both the drust and humans are different flavors of Vrykul.

Ok, Enough because I got tired of the debate, I’m going to rest, good luck.

All I would say is there are different clans of vrykul and all sizes and maybe some we didn’t meet.

Why we can’t have a ripped huge Human when we have like 4 elfs races?

“Oh but Vrykul is just a viking hunched human”

Void elf is just a Blood elf with some void shenanigans
Nightbourne is just a Night Elf with nightwell influence