Yeah, that last leg of Battle for Azeroth was n’zot what I was looking for.
This joke was void of any actual wit or humor.
These jokes are older than the gods they’re about!
My deviant gremlin brain took this in a wildly different direction for a second there …
In all seriousness, I’m hoping for a Deeplands or Avalorn expansion and just re-invest us in NPCs, give the Dragonflight NPCs a chance to sink into our brains a bit and go on a good old fashioned normal adventure. Dragonflight was our R&R Expansion to recover from the craniotomy that was the Black Empire part of Battle for Azeroth and the entirety of the Shadowblands expansion.
Let’s use the Zaralek Caverns technology to lead us under the older zones, and give Blizzard a chance to start revamping older zones slightly, bringing them up to speed graphically and putting slight alterations to zones, settlements and NPCs to represent the passing of time.
But the meat of the expansion should be Avalorn, fighting Odyn who wants to keep his crimes a secret from the Titans, and trying to prepare for whatever eyeball-encrusted shenanigans Iridi-kun is planning with the Tsundere Kaifu Waifu in the Tentacle Dimension. They gave us a good multi-expansion villain that has a point to their crusade and has both the intelligence and menace to make them stand out from the Fillains (Filler Villains) we get every other patch and are told are a threat to all we hold dear.
Honestly, hats off to Iridi-kun for being one of the few villains (or would antagonist be a better term?) in WoW who actually see us as a threat and actively plan for us and around us so we don’t derail their plots in between raging at each other, enslaving anything that we could potentially ride for longer than five minutes and randomly humping the walls. Let him cook and see what comes up.
Oh, so Anduin is still down there in super hell? I’m surprised Golden tolerated that. Then again, they killed off Rhonin and Richard Knaak didn’t drive a bulldozer into Activision HQ so I guess anything’s possible.
TBF, there was some kind of fallout between Knaak and Acti-Blizz, the same as Samwise, so they quietly pruned the characters away and then never mentioned them again.
I suspect that Anduin is off doing important stuff in the Shadowlands, or going on a Multi-versal journey to understand himself and his role in the Great Cycle.
Also remember that Anduin could befriend a campfire, and the Maw is no longer an inescapable prison. Whatever he’s looking for in the Maw, he can leave at any time, and might end up heading for the Zerith Mortis facility and learn the language, and the plans, of the First Ones.
I’d argue we haven’t seen the end of Anduin, and I’d bet money that he’s gonna end up the Me’dan, wielding every Primal Power within the setting by the end of it all.
I’m still in the early stages of Ardenweald, I don’t know what most of this means.
For future reference, though, I do not care about spoilers. Just in general, but particularly with regard to Warcraft’s story.
Huh, I wonder what actually happened to Med’an? Kind of impressive the fanbase cringed him literally out of existence. That dude straight up vanished from the lore with zero explanation.
Sorry, I assumed you’d already blazed through it all by now.
There are things you can blaze that tend to make you sleepy. Shadowlands is not one of them.
Can’t imagine why they wouldn’t want to do it live this year…
Anyway, more “leaks” running around on the internet. Titan implications. Also some still thinking it may be void-related.
1 week away and we’ll find out.
I just want our faction war back with a small dose of a common bad guy off to the side, like let’s go fight the Scarlet Crusade or super evil Grimtotems.
Like this entire current expansion and not having the Primalists be majority Grimtotem forces is just more proof that the mainline Tauren have been entirely forgotten about.