11.0 - New Expansion (Possible spoilers...or not)

Perhaps my… friend? Let’s say raid colleague misheard something because I, too, have not heard or seen this – and I feel like if this was outright said, there’d be a dozen videos out covering it.

Totally agree – 20 years of WoW, 30 years of Warcraft, Metzen on stage… this needs to be mindblowing if they’re going to breathe any sort of new life into the game.

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I keep seeing so much speculation that the next expansion is “obviously” going to be about the Titans, and… I dunno, even just the thought of that is exhausting to me. It’s right on par with Shadowlands when it comes to greater cosmic nonsense that makes it impossible for me to feel invested with the story.

I really, reallly hope that it turns out to be something else, because that just feels like such a non-starter for me.

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Other side of Azeroth.

Going into the oceans and exploring the depths.

Exploring the Elemental Planes more fully.

Going underground.

Tie that all together, returning to the Firelands to explore how our incursion has reshaped the zone, and expanding into other zones of not only the Firelands, but Deepholme and the Eversea, our exposure to the Zaralek Caverns has also revealed dozens of Black Dragon and Titan Beta-Facilities scattered around the planet that we have to get to and either contain or turn back on to help with the Azerite and the whole SWORD STILL STABBED DEEP INTO SILITHUS problem, and chasing down the Naga after we find out that Azshara could be coming back would be a hell of a thing to explore over two or more expansions.

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I’m going through the story quest and so far the Old Gods have come up twice–once in the Dracthyr introduction, once in the MSQ. I’m just now getting into the other stuff, so maybe that’s it–but so far, that’s the biggest telegraph I’ve seen.

It’s interesting that Iridikron made very interesting points that many of us have been thinking about since forever.

What makes the Titans the good guys? What “perfect” timeline are they preserving?

Well the void wants a void world soul. Titans claim it’s a titan world soul. Death wanted the world soul. It seems any faction could use this world soul and basically recruit her to their team.

The Titans don’t generally care about us. We’re bugs. They care about the world soul and they use arcana to bring ‘order’ to things that don’t always need order. Like the protodrakes.

So… If Iridikron wants to anger the Titans? Psh, they’re all the way back in Argus with Illidan. How would they even get here? It’s not like we just had a quest to show that we still have the ability to teleport there in cannon…

Also there’s been lots of demon activity lately. Could use some new hunters maybe. Also there’s that mysterious chest of void, titan and demonic languages the predate the Burning Legion…


The thing that should scare us is that Blizz has mentioned, in podcasts, twitter posts (NEVER X) and even some text in game, that should the Red Star that was made so prominent in the sky after the end of Legion ever end, we should be afraid, for Sargeras will have broken free.

Now the thing here? If Iridikron is right and the Titans only care about the World Soul? We broke the One True Timeline that was ‘guaranteed’ to result in the Titans’ overwhelming victory. The Void is on the move. The Titanic devices monitoring and ‘protecting’ the World Soul no doubt started blasting alarms as soon as Sargeras’s sword hit and we started the global ADHD-fueled world-spanning brawl for Azerite, and then we had N’Zoth wake up and actively bring a version of the Black Empire to partially fuse into our world, our level of reality.

The Titans might be busy keeping Sargeras pinned down, but the instant we broke the One True Timeline, after all those panic buttons being pushed, could lead them to actively ditch the Seat of the Pantheon, and potentially leave Sargeras unleashed again, to try and scramble back to Azeroth and either Re-Originate us, or try to negotiate with us to bring things back on track if they’re unwilling to leave the Seat of the Pantheon.

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if sargeras was all about protecting the universe from the void then he may team up with them to stop us

Illidan becomes their harbinger

That would be a very dark expansion. The Pantheon convinces Sargeras to not destroy the universe, just purge it of all organics. Sargeras starts to re-enslave the Legion and forces it forwards before the Titanic armies as fodder troops to soak up the worst the defenders can dish out, while the Titan Keepers from Forge-Worlds begin the ‘mechanisation’ process that we saw in effect in A.Z.E.R.O.T.H. and Mecha-Gnomeragon on a planetary scale.

The entropic carnage of the Fel and the emotionless logic of the Arcane unified to a single goal would be an absolute nightmare to deal with.

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It would not be Unblizzard like to say “no we’re not!” And then do that exact thing anyway to throw us off the scent


You just know they’re congratulating themselves on their masterful subterfuge, too.

Why would dark irons ally with the race that took part of their mountain?

Blood Elves.

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I feel like I’m the only person that liked the Titan lore and like tovthink of them as overall decent guys especially now that we fixed all their problems and they’ve come to terms with us all being squishy meat bags.

Just don’t get the fixation with continually bringing them up and ‘but but but they’re evil!’ every time potential new expansion stuff gets mentioned.

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I don’t think most people are saying the titans are evil (except Odyn), but a lot of people are seeing the Titans as fallable, overbearing, and one force of many instead of the default good guys. History is written by the victors and the Titans were the definite victors of ancient Azeroth’s history. The complexity has the potential to be welcome, but given Blizzard’s track record with complex ideas, we’ll see if the new crew has the chops for it.

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I don’t think they’re evil per se, but consider the scope of this battle from their perspective. This is a war for the fate of the galaxy, and naturally to the Titans, their goals are the most noble and beneficial to all of creation.

Look what they did to Azeroth. They stopped the madness of the Void, and we know that life under an Old God is a living nightmare of blood sacrifice, madness and relentless change, and then resculpted the planet into an Earth-like situation, likely returning it to its former state before the Old Gods came, re-seeded it with life, helped the life-forms that survived the Old God occupation adapt to the new status quo, created layer upon layer of defences to protect the World Soul from outside forces and asked for precious little in return.

But …

At the end of the day, all life on Azeroth is effectively the decorations of a baby’s room, we’re here to provide companionship and a safe environment for that slumbering World Soul, and the Curse of Flesh got involved. All the Dwarves, Humans and Gnomes are accidents that were permitted to continue because they were deemed to be both suitable under the Titanic guidelines for organic life and useful as potential servitors for the great work of nurturing and protecting the World Soul. Elves are just mutant Trolls and don’t fall into that category, all of Troll-kind are just dubbed ‘native species’ and so long as they don’t mess with the World Soul or invoke the Void, I don’t think the Titans care. Same for the Pandaren, Tauren, Goblins and Vulpera.

Orcs, Draenei, Ren’dorei, Forsaken and Lightforged Draenei would probably be viewed as quite distressing, being foreign additions to the mix, or infused with dangerous amounts of rival Primal Powers, namely the Light, the Void and the Fel.

At the end of the day, the Titans might like us, but they’re shoulder-deep in a cosmic war that has been raging for billions of years and this is the one battleground on which they have even a toehold left, as we’ve seen in the Time Rifts, where almost every attempt by the Titans has either failed or been thwarted from within by their own followers. We need look only at Odyn to see how that plays out, where the gigantic platinum clod ripped a whole wing out of Ulduar and potentially allowed Yogg’Saron to corrupt Loken, kick off the Curse of Flesh and reduce the Titan Watchers and Keepers of Ulduar to mind-controlled puppets.

The Titans are one of the few Primal Powers who allow free will and expression of emotion outside pure zealotry (Light), madness and fear (Void) or unending rage and hunger (Fel). But because of that, their grip on the war is tenuous and if they lose this Azeroth, there’s a high possibility they may not have any other options. Re-Origination is their last move, because a World Soul consumed by the Void, or the Fel, is such a cosmic-level disaster that they’d rather wipe the planet clean of life and possibly scar, if not kill, the World Soul that allow it to transpire. There’s even dozens of checks in place to ensure Re-Origination doesn’t take place unless there is no hope at all to avert full corruption of the World Soul.

They’re not evil … but do you think about the Ants’ feelings when you spray them to keep them out of your house?

I feel compelled to quote Algalon here:

"I have seen worlds bathed in the Makers’ flames, their denizens fading without so much as a whimper. Entire planetary systems born and razed in the time that it takes your mortal hearts to beat once. Yet all throughout, my own heart devoid of emotion… of empathy.
I. Have. Felt. Nothing. A million-million lives wasted. Had they all held within them your tenacity? Had they all loved life as you do?"

There’s something about mortals, something in our scrappy technically cursed little fleshy hearts that can accomplish what to beings of Order looks like chaos, but when they get their heads out of their butts for long enough they begin to see the method in the madness, the benefits of free will.

If you learned the ants in your backyard had a civilization going through a bronze age, would you still kill them?


@norman – hype intensifies

The next adventure for Warcraft will be announced at BlizzCon, with Warcraft and WoW having the most news this year at the event!

In responding to a tweet about the BlizzCon floor plan, Blizzard Entertainment President Mike Ybarra responds that “Warcraft, and WoW, have the most news this year.”

Also, @ to tag people should be a thing here what is this, 2005?!


I thought @ was a thing at one point on the forums?

Anyway, good to see this! There needs to be a big announcement for this game. They typically make the announcements at Blizzcon, but seeing as how we are fast approaching the 20 year mark, I would hope for once they would get it and start the hype train and keep it going all next year, through the actual launch.

I know a lot of us are jaded at this point, all things considered. I just continue to hope for the best.


In an alternate history, who says that happened? Maybe the Orcs came to the mountain and the Dark Irons allied with them.

Like a Netflix show?

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