110-119 which level to twink?

Yes you can:

The earliest you will be able to twink a 119 will be Jan 1, 2019 when the Timewalking event comes back.

The key to twinking in any bracket is to get to (x)19* then turn off exp, obtain the highest ilvl gear and best enchants/trinkets for your class/spec. At 119 all that means is get your ilvl 300 azerite helm, shoulders and chest followed by the 300-310 ilvl gear you will get from the time walking event.

A 119 character with an average ilvl of 295+ will pretty much reck face any class/spec (except good healers) that have ilvl 270 or lower in the bracket. You can start on the azerite pieces at level 119 but you are going to have to wait for the timewalking event to come on Jan 1 to finish.

Classes I recommend at 119 in no particular order are:
Balance druid
Assassination rogue
Fury warrior
MM hunter
MW monk
Resto druid
unholy DK
Ret paladin
Havoc Demon hunter
Enhancement shaman (elemental is ok)

Good luck. May you have luck from the RNG gods and reach your goals as quickly as possible. May want to join a 119 twink group too as you will be singled out and farmed if you pug as a solo twink.

Happy Holidays!


Leggo abilities don’t work in bg’s

special events can grant higher ilvl true but those type of events are spread too thin to depend on.

The ilvl 343 weapons some 119 twinks are rocking from the dragon event that ended not long ago are ridiculous and seriously broken /rage

you can start those at 110

I havent gotten anything higher than 285 (290 leveled) below 116. Interesting that you can get the 295 azerite pieces at 110. i will have to try that out.