10m Cata Loot - Increase but +1 Drop

No, I just muted him, since my alts are irrelevent to this thread.

I’m glad you looked at other guilds on Atiesh trying to find it though, as if my account is locked to one realm and one faction. Genius. I did laugh out loud at that one.

Oh and youre muted now, too.

Not irrelevant, we were discussing 10m Heroic VS 25m Heroic.

You said you did both but refused to show your 25m Heroic prog.

We all know youre lying.

Thats what you will be known for, a liar.

Convenient. I noticed you still didn’t provide your 25m character. So your alt is more progressed than your main or you got 13/13H in both in the same week? Lying about the video game is so weird.

Its meaningless to break down 10 vs 25 difficulty. Both are solved and incredibly easy.

I think its more: Do people really want to grind 13/13H for months in classic trying to BIS out (and thats what it takes for 10m rn) In both difficulties, imo, we should be full BIS after 2 reclears. Doing a full clear should just give everyone a token to redeem for any raid item.

Let us take a break and enjoy TWW until FL.

Ofc its easy, youre doing 10m.

And you still only have 2 clears of Council and Nef.

This man really wants the game to die. rofl

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His 25m toon is 13/13H and full bis already.

Trust him bro, he definitely did it.

As long as they dont make me have to do 10m and 25m each week I’m good.
Please for the god stop recommending this. Its not wrath.

it’s easier to get items in 10 man than 25 man. Especially bis items that every caster or every melee wants. It goes both ways. There are advantages and disadvantages to loot in 10 and 25 man

that’s my only reason for playing this expansion, remove the 10 man raid = remove me from the game.

all this arguing about 10m vs 25m was solved already by Blizzard in 2014 with the introduction of Mythic being fixed to 20-players, and the lesser difficulties being flex.

That’s one thing retail got right, and having 10-man “equal” to 25-man is something Cata really got wrong.

imo 10-man raiding was a mistake and quite possibly the worst thing ever introduced to the game (thanks a lot TBC). sadly nothing can be done about the past. However, it would be nice if MoP Heroic raids were retuned to be 20-man only.

So focus on the content from 2010, luckily your just one person with a thought. A majority of the playerbase does not share your view. If they did, 10m WOULD be dead.


It’s clear there is a necessity for some bad loot protection in 10m or a better way to increase opportunity.

10m raiding is extremely popular in Cataclysm and you’re not offering any improvements.

The RNG factor on loot and lack of drops in 10m really makes it a challenge on contested items.
10m H is substantially harder then 25m H.

Roster boss is the only thing that makes 25m H difficult.

Take Nef 10m vs 25m. On 25m you have raid wide CD for every crackle and a 3rd tank to play taxi driver on the adds.

10m you’re eating full crackles and the OT has no help for taunting adds.

Another example is Maolriak, on 25m you have enough CC to keep the adds locked down. 10m it’s much harder to do this strat.

1 player drops in 10m and the fights are substantially harder. 1 player drops in 25m and it doesn’t make a difference.

Challenge those that raid 25m to try 10m H. Night and day difference on difficulty.


No improvements are needed. 25m is more rewarding by design because it’s significantly more difficult to run a 25m raid.

Cope. 10m is not harder. My alt 10m where people are playing different characters at a far worse level than main raid is 13/13H and spent only a handful of wipes on even the most “difficult” bosses.

The hardest part of Nef 10m is not killing him too fast.

How much CC do you need? 1 hunter and 1 mage is plenty on 25. There is also less time managing the adds during the burn in 10m because the boss has less hp relative to raid dps.

Yeah, even the trash is vastly easier in 10m.

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10m is the meme version of that raid, what are you even saying??

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