10K queues - How long is too long?

Avoiding queues 101 :
Step 1 ) create character on different server
Step 2 ) log into that character
Step 3 ) ???
Step 4 ) Profit.

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Are you new to the game, such that you are completely ignorant as to how the login servers usually act?

No. The problem is that there is a maximum number of players that can be logged onto any particular server because of constraints imposed by Phase 2. That is why there are queues; itā€™s not a hardware issue at all.

If you have too many people wanting to play on a server, there is no amount of connection speed or additional login servers that are going to fix the problem.

This is why Blizzard is actively encouraging players to switch off of certain servers before launch

I dunno. I think if it says itā€™s more than a 10 min wait, Iā€™ll just come back the next day. I should probably do some homework or studying anyway, lol

It does nothing for login queue. It should theoretically help with server stability a little bit.

From AMA

level 2

Senior Game Producer


Score hidden Ā· 1 minute ago

On the most popular servers, such as Herod and Shazzrah, we are currently estimating lengthy queue times - up to several hours or more in certain instances. That is why we strongly encourage players to use the name reservation period to transfer their characters and their guilds to lower pop realms.


I guess this means they believe the server itself will be completely full for these realms and the queue bottle neck is not the login server.

Me and 4 friends plan on no-lifing it for the first week. Weā€™re all set up in the same room. All have no obligations to leave the room. One person will take a few hour nap while they auto follow the other and weā€™ll just be rotating nap time.

We plan on following the 1-60 speed run guide and hopefully we donā€™t log off until all 5 are level 60

Back around original launch a queue of 4k was 3-5 hours. Seems like authentic Vanilla to me. We ended up getting credited days towards our account but I doubt that happens this time :joy:. Iā€™m going down with the ship see you all in line.

Thatā€™s one way to do it. Have a blast:smiley:

Keep in mind, I donā€™t think they hard capped the realm populations for the Stress Test.

In queue waiting for either a new layer to spawn or for an existing layer to have space become available is not the same thing as being in queue waiting for space to become available.

Blizzard answered the queue time length for herod on the AMA:

On the most popular servers, such as Herod and Shazzrah, we are currently estimating lengthy queue times - up to several hours or more in certain instances. That is why we strongly encourage players to use the name reservation period to transfer their characters and their guilds to lower pop realms.


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Iā€™ve been here since Burning Crusade and none of the alternatives you listed make sense.

Tell me, other than simple overpopulation of number of people logging into the server, what could there be a queue for that would concern Blizzard?

My group finally caved and moved to Stalagg. Honestly, Iā€™m happy enough with that decision. We played the stress test on that same name, so I find a charm in it.

That said, your queues will definitely be multiple hours on Herod for launch dayā€¦and if you go in thinking:

Or anything in that range of thoughtā€¦youā€™re going to be seriously disappointed. I hope Iā€™m wrong. I really do. I like happy humans, and I know how much everyone wants to play and enjoy launch week. I seriously hope Iā€™m wrong and itā€™s like an hour and a half and everyone gets in and itā€™s no big deal.

I donā€™t think that will happen.

I think the queues on day one are going to be utterly atrocious unless a huge population shift off of Herod takes place between now and the launch.

BUTā€¦I also think that because a lot of posters on the forums seem extremely naive and over-positive about how short the queues will actually be, reality will hit them in the face on launch day and huge moves off of Herod will start from day one. People have been saying things like, ā€œitā€™s being exaggerated,ā€ or, ā€œit wonā€™t be that bad,ā€ or, ā€œno queue is too long,ā€ or, ā€œitā€™ll be a pain, but I donā€™t think weā€™re looking at multiple hours.ā€ That kind of false hope or misguided optimism is probably going to be shattered by hour four on launch day.

I think a lot of folks who arenā€™t guilded or attached IRL to their guild mates will sit in that queue for 2-3 hours, see that itā€™s still not moving, and choose to re-roll. That means that by the end of week one, Herod might be back under some semblance of normalcy and comfortable queue times. On the other hand, a lot of Herod players are thinking exactly what Iā€™m thinking and are determined to stick it out. So. Itā€™s very much a situation of unstoppable force meeting immovable object.

Weā€™ll have to wait and see.

In the meantime, my group overwhelmingly voted to move to Stalagg yesterday, and I was both disappointed and relieved.