10.2.7 Guild Achievements - Bug or no?

Referencing a similar thread on the EU forums that I was unable to find an equivalent here to comment in. Not having a character or sub in the EU region, I am unable to post on those forums. The EU thread is here:

In short, it appears that a lot of guild achievements (perhaps all, perhaps more than just guild related ones) were bugged when 10.2.7 launched. The Blizzard rep in the above thread indicated it was a known issue and was being worked on but the latest news was as of 9 days ago.

That said, the US forums known issue list appears to still show 10.2.5, so I don’t know what portion is a known issue and if any of the unexpected behavior is actually considered WAI. For example, some people who submitted in-game tickets were told that the achievements aren’t bugged and that 10.2.7 was considered pre-patch and therefore level 80 was now the requirement on stuff like the Stay Classy or A Class Act type achievements.

However, that isn’t consistent with what we’ve been told elsewhere about 10.2.7, and directly contradicts the official announcements regarding pre-patch arriving July 30.

A lot of people are likely leveling alts in Remix with the hopes of getting some Stay Classy achievements out of the way, but if the guild achievements aren’t fixed before pre-patch, they’ll end up getting screwed out of the credit. And if the bug isn’t acknowledged officially in the patch notes, a lot of people may avoid leveling alts because they think it won’t end up counting.

Is there a list of official known issues for 10.2.7, and are the guild achievements part of that list? Can we get an ETA on whether they will be fixed before pre-patch? I don’t want to waste time leveling alts to 70 only for them to not count and have to grind them up to 80 months from now when the TWW dust settles.

Forgot to mention this as well; wowhead has an article quoting some Blizzard updates to questions that were being asked (I believe by Community Council members in their forum) about Remix. The reply below appears to have been deleted from the wowhead article (following the link on wowhead returns 404 error). This is concerning, as a lot of people probably relied on that blue post, and to have seemingly deleted it without any announcement about the accuracy of the information is problematic.

If its anything like they stay classy achievement that requires. A higher lvlgood guess.

Unfortunately you will almost never get a eta on a fix.

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Current level cap is 70, though, and pre-patch isn’t here yet. The Stay Classy achievements should still be counting any characters that are being leveled to 70 right now. That should include Remix characters according to the extra info I added in an edit to the main post.

I noticed that around that time, when Horde joined this small guild, that achievements would pop kinda oddly. For instance, I’d have a Horde alt join, do some pvp and the Horde Guild PvP Class Slayer would pop (for each class as it was earned). I end up deleting a lot of Hordees, so this actually happened a few times. Then it stopped. So it got fixed. I can PvP all day on my Horde and no Horde Guild Achievments pop as this is an Alliance Guild.

Another thing, Pandaren Embassy would pop sometimes randomly when a Horde character would log in, or get undeleted and rejoin. It was kind of funny. Have not seen that in awhile, either.

So, based on what I have seen, I’d guess these are bugs and some have been fixed. Perhaps others remain.

Have you posted all you have above in Bugs forum yet? I’d suggest that.

Still wont get a eta most players forget that e stands for estimated not that moment or time.

No, I haven’t posted anywhere else. There have apparently already been reports made on the EU side and the claim that it was a known issue. Our known issue list (I didn’t even see a list on the EU forum) just hasn’t been updated since 10.2.5. I didn’t want to bug report something if it’s already on their radar.

It never hurts to report bugs regardless.


True, I’ll give it a shot. Still would like to see the known issues list updated if a blue name sees this. :slight_smile: