10.2.6 was based on Community Feedback?

If it is I will not be playing it , I think they would of been better off figuring out how to fix phasing .


this, opeople asked for new content and more pvp based htings. not every content patch needs to cater to pve casuals who cant parse above grey

I would really like to know what community they are talking to, cuz its not this one.


If we wanted to play a battle royale, we’d play one.
We play an MMO for a reason.
Get this garbage out of here.


You are leaving out any nuance whatsoever and making a completely Bad-Faith argument.

People asked for more PVP development - In the actual competitive pvp space, because pvp balance and rewards and queues have been a disaster lately.

People have asked for a new pvp mode - Yea sure, but why didn’t BG Blitz get this kind of support or artificial hype? Why keep it a secret for no reason? Why did they attach greedy FOMO tactics and a ridiculous grind to it instead of leaderboards and rankings?

People have asked for patches not to be fully datamined - People don’t want lore and story and plot and cinematics spoiled before patches, this is an entirely mechanical game-mode that desperately needed better testing and the exact opposite of what people don’t want spoiled.

If this is the feedback you and Blizzard have been getting from the Community, ya’ll need to check your reading comprehension because you’re almost exactly oppositely wrong.

This could have been fun, but it was ruined by terrible business decisions.


No one on these forums knows what the majority want.

Many of the requests were on the old forum.

This event shouldn’t have been not limited time and there wouldn’t have been as bigger up roar. Blizzard could have added extra rewards after getting to renown 40.

It is a terrible event.

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of course it was based on community feedback…the shareholders community feedback.

i did not see a single thread on the old forum clamoring for a fortnite battle royale style event.


im just disappointed cause i wanted some wow content in a wow patch. is that too much to ask?


Assuming one of the devs has a dog named Community, and that pooch loves finding garbage to roll around on.


It’s not really strange; it’s Marketing 101. The allure of discovering the “secret” caused many lapsed accounts to resub, and others to postpone cancelling their subscriptions. They then tacked on a bunch of limited time items, capitalizing on FOMO mentally, to the event to really Janet home what it really is: a blatant cash grab. Plunderstorm 2.0 will probably have loot boxes and an entire in-game shop!

There is no ‘we’.

The community is not some hive mind.

Yes, PvPers (said out loud that sounds… wrong somehow) have been asking for content for YEARS!

Also a lot of people in the community have been asking that side content not be tied to player power, instead only reward cosmetics so it can be skipped at will.

And that was done for this event.

And this didn’t need a separate thread. There are enough threads whining about an OPTIONAL game mode on the board already.

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A game mode outside of wow is new content? So is hearthstone then, then I guess the new d4 patch coming out is content for wow. This isnt a an ingame addition.


comparing two seperate games with something clearly using wow assist, gameplay, and mechanics is not only wrong but also the most drooler tier response/cope ive ever seen in the forums so far. congrats

I wanted pirates. A finger on the monkey paw curled. :smiling_face_with_tear:


I’m a PvPer and don’t really count this as WoW PvP.

This is another game in WoW’s framework. But it is not the real game and it does not involve my WoW character in anyway.


Does anyone think Plunderstorm is what’s going to XBOX no problem with add ons auras etc and very simple

I did. I did ask for a battleroyal.

Only one person asked for a battle royale. Analysts are still trying to find out why.