10.2.6 Speculation

If a low-effort Earthen Dwarf allied race is all we get for a new expac, then I almost certain we won’t be getting an allied race here. Just as certain that it won’t be hardcore retail. Maybe our first “delve” ? I’m thinking something like a single delve-lite where we get a taste of what’s to come but without the entire system that comes along with it.

The cheap third dwarf copy really took the wind out of my sails, too. Remember the end of Legion, where there were at least 4 allied races at once? Now, only one is offered as an “expansion feature”… sigh

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Wait, it’s a skull/crossbones. That means certain death.

…Will it be the death of the Shadowlands storyline? Is N’zoth gonna come down and give us the late-Christmas-gift of erasure and ignorance?

god i hope so

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Alternatively, we’re getting a minimal addition because those particular resources were busy adding one or two things to Dragonflight in secret. :wink:

Honestly, as much as I have an aversion to it, I’d take Shadowlands lore over any “it was a dream!”-type twist.

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They only did 8 raid bosses where as we usually get 11 for a final raid, maybe we’ll get 3 bonus raid bosses.

A little Ruby Sanctum action wouldn’t be unwelcome.

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Wow, you are totally right! I would be super happy for that. That’s a cool theory.

Considering at least 50% of last years road map was 4 new hair colors, I’d doubt anything of relevance is actually going to happen in 10.2.6 let alone a new race or allied race.

This company is only run by scam artists and unfortunately, enough shills are blind to too many problems.

My guess is someone or something, dies. Which starts the War Within

Any recent developments or hints? I’ve hopped off of the WoW news cycle.

How epic would it be to get full sized ships that can be operated, if they revamped the fatigue zone and it’s borders to turn into choppy seas and storms so you can go no further actually let the people sail, this would be freakin epic.

Island Adventures 2.0 - now with bonus failure to drop mounts.

Oh you wish.

There’s at least two encrypted for 10.2.6, yet no hints. I think they’ll announce whatever it is this month. S4 is in Spring, so either March or April, not sure about May.

Kinda weird they’re being quiet about it.

Hahaha… Wait, you’re serious? HAHAHA!

Skull probably means pending doom.

I’m thinking a revamp of the archeology profession

I feel like people are hyping this up in their heads and are gonna wind up disappointed when we don’t get thing x that they were sure was coming…

And that’s partially the fault of the devs for teasing us like this, but still… I’m gonna keep expectations low and maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised.

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Trying to to get some hype going…