10.2 Warrior Tier

Btw THIS is the wq plate (honor pvp model) vs the tier plate (elite pvp)

Blizz man… what is that?

It looks like some cardboard with some spraypaint and chains on it.

This could pass as like a junkyard plate set.


Rough critique but not entirely wrong

Wonder what it will look like with the legendary

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I thought it was a hunter set for a second.


it looks bad cause its on a female orc

it will look best on human male like all plate

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It looks like Mater plate form.

‘hey guys, ready to q?’


I hate to say it, but honestly, there has never been a warrior set I actually liked. They just don’t have a lot of thematic flavour. You look at paladin plate and usually you KNOW it’s for a holy crusader… or you look at a warlock set and you think, wow, I don’t want to meet the guy wearing this… but warrior? It’s just random metal randomness.


Onyx Cruc set is pretty awesome tbh.

This one it looks like they got inspiration from a rusty trashcan and Mater from Cars.

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The little holes over the face ruin it for me. Something about helmets with little holes just makes me uncomfortable. :confused:

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I don’t hate it, but why does it have sleeves?


As a DK main, the DK set looks just as bad and boring.

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We’re supposed to rp as junkyard workers who smelted rusty car plates together for armor.

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For me it’s the mastiff collars around your knees

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Idk. Probably the most low-res picture that’s been posted on these forums in a while.

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https://youtu.be/_OUxTfaWJX8?feature=shared 13:30

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Just go to wowhead next time:

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I’m basically doing that right now, so I’m not complaining.


They need to replace whoever is making their sets lol

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Fixed it.

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i do like the helm thats it about the mummy knockoff set

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