10.2 Tier Sets Cosmetically look like trash except warlocks

It’s like Blizzard took the prediction engine generators (or AI as some call it) and typed things in. Sorry not sorry.


Got a link? I haven’t seen them yet.

Update: Saw them. There were a few I kinda liked, particularly mage and shaman. Druid wasn’t awful, but yeah, not their best work. Kind of went more in the Vanilla simplistic style.

Meh. DKs and Priest sets also look really good.


Shaman set looks sweet. More excited over the how the set looks than the bonus itself.


I’m really digging that mage and shaman set. I’m definitely getting that pointy hat for my goblin mage.

The priest set looks decent but man is it a downgrade
we went from this cool half robe thing that’s awesome back to the classic wow robe model :confused:

Well, I doubt anything will ever beat the last tier. That was probably one of the best looking mogs in the entire game.

The Paladin one…iunno, just looks…plastic? Something feels off. Maybe it’s how they’re rendered in the pictures on WoWHead, but it looks like it’s lacking some metallic sheen to it.

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is funny how the open world set looks more druid than the druid tier set


Shocked OP isn’t a Demon Hunter, given the apparent lack of eyes.

Roughly half the sets are baller, and most of the rest are at least okay. Even the bad ones have “will be good for mixing” material, like the hunter legs and shoulders.

You can get a better feel for them here, seeing the effects, than the photos.


For reference…

Oh nice. Thanks for this, Drem

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the paladin set is the only one I actually don’t like, probably biased since I play a paladin.

but there’s some really good looking sets in this batch.

The helmet on the Paladin set is particularly amusing for me, because it reminds me of King Arthur and the Knights of Justice, a forgettable Saturday morning cartoon that spawned one of the worst Zelda-like games to ever exist.


And I hate the monk set, probably because I am an equally biased monk.

But also because sad birds and toilet seats are not my jam.



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Dk set and war set look sweet
Elite pvp hunter is good

Priest is good

10.2 got some bangers

Pally sucks though

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warlock set looks ok.

its insulting how druid the sets look compared to our awful looking tier that looks like something out of cata. how did druids get 2 really good looking tier sets only to be given this set that looks nothing like it would be a druid set but all 4 armor types get the most druid looking gear.

DK, Shaman, Mage, Evoker, Warlock and Rogue tier sets from 10.2 are all really good.

Warrior, Monk, Demon Hunter, and Hunter are decent. If the Demon Hunter helmet was animated better it would go up to the “really good” category.

Druid, Paladin, Priest are meh.