10.2 Rogue Changes (PTR)

It is early in the PTR cycle where talent and mechanical changes can happen so this is the time to offer feedback on that.

As for number tuning by late Sept/early Oct we will start to see waves of that.

As for Deathmark it is a straight up downgraded compared to Vendetta. I think it needs some QoL improvements to make it viable for all forms of content.

RTB buffs right now feel sort of okay except for the fact that to really feel powerful with RTB buffs you need to take all the talents associated with it which feels wrong to me.

RTB was at its best when you could roll three buffs however there was more possibilities of rolling a single buff than two buffs. But back then RTB single buffs were more potent than currently with two buffs or it feels that way!

So RTB is in a tough place where variance has decreased but it doesn’t do much when you reach a high (eg no more three buffs). And the chance to roll a bad buff still exists so that always feels bad. Having to take a talent like Loaded Dice to ensure you have two buffs seems wrong to me and should have been baseline a long time ago.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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And just like Diablo 4, the devs can’t even play their own game.

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Does it fit the rogue class talent tree? Or was it an ability from a shadowlands faction that people chose due to damage? An Overwhelming amount of rogue players dislike the ability.

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  1. Causing disruption or annoyance through being unwelcomed or uninvited.

“that was an intrusive question”

I feels out of place and certainly is unwelcome and uninvited based on many comments.

Deadly Throw would be really cool to have back. All time favorite finisher.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I feel like im doing even less dmg on Assassination 4pc set is trash 1.3k dmg on envenom bomb is nuts


Slice and Dice… I just do not understand. As someone who played a Paladin when Inquisition was a thing… maintenance buffs STILL aren’t fun. I’m not sure why that sort of design philosophy can come back around. We didn’t like spending Holy Power for a dmg/haste buff then… nobody wants to spend CP to keep up a dmg/haste buff now.

Also, please, stop designing so heavily with Shadow Dance basically being a “must.” We need to be able to opt out of that, but so many Outlaw players say “you’re stupid if you don’t take SD” and the numbers tend to back them up. I hate popping into and out of stealth. if I wanted that gameplay I’d play, I don’t know, Subtlety? I don’t mind the occasional Vanish mid-fight and going right back to wailing on enemies, but when I leave Stealth I generally want to be out of Stealth. Outlaw’s a pirate. Pirates don’t vanish constantly throughout a scuffle and bounce around the deck or the rigging “hidden” from view. Ambush usable outside of stealth via Audacity is my limit and yeah, I don’t like Shadow Dance or Subterfuge etc.

If a player likes the heavy stealth stuff for Outlaw… good for them. Gameplay like that should be in choice nodes so if I want to play a pirate and not a ninja, and also not feel like I’m doing wildly sub-par damage, I can.

I do like the BTE change because of course, it’s portable now. Like Combo Points, it moves with the character and doesn’t die on a target. KS being a spender sure is interesting. I like some of the moves made on Improved Adrenaline Rush, and the stuff that’s becoming baseline. RTB still needing so many talents to make it ‘good’ feels like maybe we need a complete change to the ability. The dice being a part of the theme is great, theming is always good, but I’m not sure the randomness… or the kind of buffs granted by it… actually make the spec more fun, and in some cases make the spec less fun because of bad RNG.


For AoE, equip live 2 piece with PTR 2 piece and your aoe dps will go up by roughly 100k.

it would be my prime candidate to replace ER

so many things that could be done with it, it can have a follow up choice node that either adds a bleed or adds a cooldown and extra damage.
can even have a pvp talent that adds a root or a silence or an interrupt.

oh deadly throw how I miss you

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annnnnddd they deleted our AoE Kidney lol they really dont play their own game


Rogue is going through that gouging and gutting phase that we call “Balancing”. They’re trying to see what else to trash from the Rogue class.


Said this in the PTR thread too. I think Death From Above should replace Echoing Reprimand on the Rogue tree and be retooled to not be a finisher move but a short low burst CD. It sucks that one of Rogues cooler looking abilities is relegated to a pvp talent i dont think anyone even takes.


I agree with you, Hell I wish the Rogue Dev would take a few notes from a couple of rogue player from the forums, Like a couple of mine: Feedback: Rogues - #234 by Grimzalo-grizzly-hills


i personally wouldnt mind running death from above over the lottery reprimand, but it as a pvp talent is the wrong choice. i dont see why anyone would run it in its current form. but i may be missing something

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If you do this, why not just make a new ability. It doesn’t make sense to completely change an ability but keep its name. Jut start from scratch with a new ability.

Bring back marked for death!!!


Because I want to use an ability that let’s me give people the full Missy Elliott

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or this : Feedback: Rogues - #723 by Allegra-shuhalo

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Good changes like Yours, Mine and everyone else that goes un-heard and It’s all ours voices on the forums that go unheard as well.

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CUse a lot of these changes and wish lists make zero sense