10.2 Rogue Changes (PTR)

Intrusive how? i dont disagree that its not a fun button to press but how is it intrusive? you press it once at the start of an encounter and cut to the chase keeps it up infinitely(which is another reason to just get rid of it) but yeah not really intrusive.

Forgot this was general rogue discussion and not just assa, yeah its pretty intrusive on sub rogue but either way yeah just remove it

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Man, one guy comes in with some braindead ideas and no idea how to use the quote reply function and ya’ll lose your collective minds.

PTR Assassination is parsing lower at current with full-bis than current Assassination… which is unacceptable, due to it being the 2nd to last spec in the entire game.


BlizZard doesn’t do a lot of number tuning now unless something is way off. The mechanics are more important.

Right now mechanically Assassination needs work along with a number tuning UP. So Assassination needs help in both areas.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

I l9ve the idea of Death from Above this Ability to me was very iconic. It made me want to play a rogue. When i would see rogues start this animation i would be like

0.0 here it comes, its about to go down.

Loved the animation for it and it just seemed to hit hard ( when they didnt destroy it) was so sad to see it go to pvp, by the time i started to try rogue it was gone to pvp, i was very sad.

Id love to see it come back in some way i would 100% take this ability if it was offered.

Cool ideas


I juat want roll the bones gone for outlaw it feels so bad and i hate the RNG


Yep. Can’t realistically balance a class when 5% of the time it’s first place dps, and 95% of the time it’s last place.

Time to do away with “Outlaw”, bring back “Combat”, and bury Roll The Bones.

also SnD should either be passive, or Cut To The Chase should be baseline on all 3 Rogue specs.


honestly rtb killed the spec for me as well.
i get that some people like it, cool.
but at the very least it should be a choice node with something competitive, something more…steady, more consistent.
it won’t happen, ofc, rtb is here to stay, forever and ever and ever
at least we have sub and assa


this is actually a meaningless comparison.

I also fully support removal of SND so everyone can move on and complain about the next pointless feelsbad ability until we revert to autoattack passive design

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“Spec doing next to last place dps game wide in all avenues of meaningful gameplay receives major rework, somehow does less dps than it did before.”

“Meaningless comparison”


he means it is meaningless because it is the PTR and tuning is ongoing

Yeah, Blizzard has a great history of listening to PTR related changes and making notable improvements to things that don’t make sense to the community and don’t work en large.

gestures at last 20 years


the idea is right now we should complain (offer meanigful feedback) about the mechanics and feel of the class, not about the damage
let’s be fair, damage tuning has been far more frequent this xpac than in the previous ones

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if you dont understand why its meaningless to talk about numbers on ptr when numbers are not final, abilities are bugged, people have not optimized play compared to live.

Why should I listen to your points with any seriousness.

and also saying assassination is last dps on live shows you dont understand the core stength of the spec and only looked at overall numbers

:clown_face: :upside_down_face:

Let’s see… Lowest M+ progression rate of any dps including Surv. Second lowest DPS of any dps spec in game. Lowest play rate as a class game wide. Second lowest play% representation game wide in all forms of content behind only Outlaw.

What numbers would you prefer I look at? “BUH BUH BUHT ATROOPIK POSIZONZ” - :clown_face: .

Would you prefer to make the argument about having no way to realistically help with Incorporeal? No way at all to help with Afflicted? No instant self-break for Entangled? Limited self and/or party healing for Bursting? Would you like to discuss lack of viable raid/group based utility making them a burden spot to bring? Would you like to discuss the deliberate nerfing of Shroud by introduction of True Sight which has shown record-low Rogue % in meaningful M+ content? Would you like to discuss that Rogue is the class showing the lowest (0) title representation in DF S2 period?

And again, we’re talking 100% full bis gear, with bis itemization and optimization versus generically available live gear doing less dps.

If you don’t understand that using real time metrics, available data, and quantifiable un-deniable log-based information to discern poor output… then I really am wasting my time with you.


it is kinda the last at everything tho…
in pvp it’s bad cause no dispel protection for your bigboi cd
in M+ it’s a joke
raid ST bosses is ok, but others do it better and bring more
so yeah, let’s be honest, assa is not in a great place overall
be sad. it’s ok to be sad.


i look at data filtered to st boss damage. which is what live assassination is currently best at.

not talking about pvp, but i agree major cd being dispellable by racial is wack.

Low participation in m+ does not necessarily mean its trash. It just means another rogue spec is better.

If all the high m+ rogues instantly switched to sin tmr, they will continue to perform well in high keys.

Where are you even getting this information? what parses? raid testing and m+ isnt even available yet. You did more damage to a target dummy on live than you did on ptr? is that your parse? Should probably wait for actual testing and provide real tangible feedback after the fact before typing random misinformation you pulled out of no where.

not as well as others, clearly
otherwise they would all be playing assa already
you are right that the best will gravitate towards the highest performing spec, which in turn makes the lowest performing spec seem even worse.
could the top 1% of rogue players make assa work in high keys? i’m sure they could.
but that’s no way to balance a spec. you’re bending over backwards with indiscriminate carnage, and stealth, on the PTR, for what? nothing that sub doesn’t do better already.

if it was a 2 min racial that would have been something. ok it’s a counter, to promote kills it should have a longer CD than deathmark, but that’s not the worst offender.
there are bleed dispells on 1 min CD. it’s just silly. it’s one thing for divine shield, a 3.5 min cd to remove all bleeds, and it’s another for the evoken dispel to remove them on a 1 min cd.