10.2 is dealing with bloat

I do a lot of keybinds

Shift + R,F,V,T,G,Q,E
Mouse button 4,5
Shift + Mousebutton 4,5
CLick the mouse wheel
Shift+CLick the mousewheel
Scroll up, scroll down
Shift + Scroll up or down

That’s a pretty awful straw man. We’re not talking about somebody wanting to be a god after playing their spec for an hour.

They still don’t play the game for you.

im just a casual AotC Andy, which i have said many times. but im not wrong, Outlaw revolves around Roll the Bones. Which is why its becoming a baseline ability.

Worse, don’t even say that, with what they’re going to easily get the new legendary you’re going to see the new top dps imbalance, so it’s not good at all.

We literally just went through this in SL when they unpruned a bunch of stuff because people were saying that there were too few buttons and class identity had been gutted.

The WoW community with anything:

Pick one and stick with it.

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If I wanted a 3 button rotation I would go play a MOBA.

I think thats the reason for wows toxicity… You think a harder spec should do more damage, (and the designers agree with you)… fundamentally thats the problem with the game right now, Fun isn’t rewarded and doesn’t fit into the design. The goal is “I need to be better than you and I will do any unfun, grindy, tedious gameplay to get that edge”…

No, it has to do with the spec that requires the most skill to play should reward the highest damage.

Exactly, fun doesn’t enter into the equation.

I think its fair it should do SLIGHTY more damage, to the point you cant even tell unless you are running addons to specifically track it… I am talking the most complicated sped doing <2-3% than the most simple. I think all the specs should be close enough as to make no difference.

Edit: actually no I take that back, thinking through how that manifests into actual game design, passive talents should be weight higher, beyond 4-5 active abilities… it just becomes tedious.

Fun is subjective and therefore cant be a factor.

3 button rotations are “fun” for you
3 button rotations are boring for me

That is why “Fun” cant be a deciding factor.

Assasin rogue in BFA was like that. Pooling energy, proper resource management, and proper use of shiv was less than a 1% increase over someone spamming mutilate and envenom. That is poor game design. Players playing extremely poorly should not do close to the same damage as someone playing properly.

Passive talents should never outperform skill talents.

I played during wod. They had the one of the longest content droughts and then finally after months of sitting in the garrison they added a selfie camera for a patch. Thats it. Went to 6 million players, I saw the article too. They also stopped showing the player count soon after. :cloud_with_rain:

Nice goalpost move. I said addons “made the game easier”. I never said addons played the game for you. You slipped up when you said:

Addons do:

Own it and move on. I know you are likely psychologically prohibited from admitting a mistake, but maybe I’m wrong.

play a ret or bm if you want less buttons or fire mage if you want a challenge.

No retort?

:rofl: We’ll see what happens in this new patch

To make matters worse, Blizzard closes 3 BG’s with MOBA content, and puts a new spec on the evoker as a support, while the DH was not given that love in Legion, this expansion really disgusts me.

In fact it is the other way around, but in the WoW community who understands them? Whether or not they are toxic in the end is the same, worse when Ybarra himself contradicts something in the Social Contract.

!0,2 is going to be very interesting,indeed. :face_with_monocle:

Here, here!

raises glass

They can start off by reverting the talents system back to the Ye Olde Faithful MoP Talents system… Everyone just uses the same 31/30 talents with perhaps 3-5 variations and the rest go completely unused except for use in some meme builds…

Now much like Archaeology, they could retire the newest class - restrict it to this expansion, call it a feature, the storyline is done… Leave it here…

Lastly, we need another squish…

Please quit and uninstall. I do not want you as part of the playerbase for the game I play to risk inspiring the development of the game.

There are games like Diablo 4 that are for people who would like to play a game with less buttons and easier content. They keep this game going for you specifically. Please go there and keep your bad ideas to yourself.

Now why would I do a thing like that… That course of action only happens if I manage to secure a permaban…