gone are the days of bfa where everyone looks the same
aberrus is amazing 10.2 is amazing omg im so hyped
gone are the days of bfa where everyone looks the same
aberrus is amazing 10.2 is amazing omg im so hyped
I haven’t taken a closer look at them yet, but that monk one jumped out at me. Love things based on the August Celestials. I’m still hanging out for the day where we get an awesome ox set.
I will laugh if they pull a fast one and make it the paladin set.
Honestly I’d give them that one lol
Wowhead is calling it the priest tier, for whatever that’s worth.
They really need to find someone new to design monk sets. Another teir, another bad set, #monklife
The current tier of priest should’ve been a paladin set anyway.
ok but the druid set at 7:00… what .__.
Priests keep getting cool sets where paladins have been meh this expansion. Obviously the light is playing favorites this time around >.<
Yes i’m aware the majority of the games life time had awful priest tier sets and its about time, can’t a elf be jealous?
New sets are SL tier ngl
Weird flex since SL had some amazing mogs.
Outfits were not SL’s problem lol
I just use monk stuff from MoP and WoD lol. It’s about the only good-looking monk gear, imo. Legion had some decent sets, but clips pretty badly on my monks. They’ve definitely been striking out this expansion.
Agreed. And the 10.0 priest tier snuck up on me, I liked it way more than I expected.
I get that some mages like wearing pants, but 3 pant sets and not one robe for the entire expansion?
Plus the bulkiness of this one kinda makes it look like sweatpants lol
Once again, hunter is ugly.
warlock helm looks rad but the rest is meh.
As is tradition.
at least its class themed hunter garbage and not shared with shaman
I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Cataclysm Hunter has some of the best sets in game. (But yeah, tradition of every other xpac has me chuckling too.)
Naw it’s TBC questing green themed. There’s nothing beast master or archer themed about it.
Also check the road map, blood elves are getting new customization. Sniping here before the QQ threads start up.