It’s a conspiracy. Mages have to pay 25 dollars to look like Mages, LOL.
I understand that some players want pants for their Mages, but 3 in a row is rough if you want robes.
It’s a conspiracy. Mages have to pay 25 dollars to look like Mages, LOL.
I understand that some players want pants for their Mages, but 3 in a row is rough if you want robes.
The second I could I grabbed the Venthyr Court Inquisitor’s Vestments for my main DK with the Harvester’s Court Attire gloves and Mantle of the Crimson Blades for the back, no shoulders. It continues to be my favourite look so I agree with Shadowlands having 10/10 outfits.
My first thought from the previews. For going on and on about how bright and overgrown the zone is, the colours on the sets are surprisingly dull. I like having some inspiration from the raid and not random stuff pulled from nowhere really. SL transmog over the set it is.
i think thats an elite pvp exclusive set because they said it in the video its pvp rewards so the tier is different
I doubt the elite set will be a completely different look rather than just a different color.
But I guess we’ll see once PTR hits and the datamining starts.
its not emerald dream themed which the tier sets are tho
this will be the first time since what, wod that the reward sets will be different from tier
warlock is a leaf, that middle one is a fyraak theme and the monk is a crane. all fitting the theme of 10.2
while the priest one from pvp is a angelic set
The tier sets looked so bad unless you were a plate wearer lol
Yeah. Even our last set in Legion, before they stopped doing class-specific sets for a while, was…also pants.
What’s a mage gotta do to get a robe anymore
They remind me a lot of the firelands sets, which makes sense since at least a third of the raid is Firelands mobs.
That’s a stretch lol
But like I said, we’ll see when PTR drops. I sincerely doubt they’re going to randomly uncouple the PVP tier from raid tier and double their own work.
But I’ll be getting that set either way.
The shaman set has wolf shoulders that look really cool and the rogue set, I think it’s rogue, is all spikey with skulls. The priest and warrior set reminds me of the Black Temple sets.
to be fair its not double the work its just an extra 13 sets
My mages are still wearing Nighthold and Hellfire Citadel tier sets for the robes.
13 for pvp, and 13 for pve.
That is double, friend.
Where’s the 10.2 armor sets posted at tho
damn i wave the white flag of surrender you got me
I wish they still did that “pants that look like the bottom half of a robe” thing occasionally, then I could mix and match with sets like these.
The last time they did that was like in wrath, and using the same few old robe bottoms is getting, well, old.
The Druid set is an affront to Emerald Dream Druids.