10.1.7 Cinematic Just Released

If you try to tell me the black empire aren’t bad I will kiss you. Titans are le good and everything else is le bad

Fyrakk is Chaotic Evil and Vyranoth is Lawful Neutral imho.

I agree on Fyrakk, but I personally would put Vyranoth more towards True Neutral or Chaotic Neutral. The whole purpose of the Primalist is to return Azeroth to a pre-Titan state of chaotic, elemental energies.

I hope Vyranoth becomes good. We need new interesting good characters.

Yes dear. :kissing_heart:

While the Titans are not completely pure, good, and interested in the well-being of the mortal life forms on Azeroth, they have hardly ever been presented as a force of evil. We have spent over a decade working alongside their creations + devices to prevent the complete corruption of Azeroth by the Old Gods.

The problem with Blizzard story-telling is that they always go to “thing that has been generally lawful-good” to turn it into something “evil” and they also always go to “thing that has been generally chaotic-evil” in order to spin it as something “good”.

They decided to present the Light as evil, the Void as good in the final patch of Legion. They tried to present Necromancy as neutral instead of inherently evil (which it is) in Shadowlands. And now the Titans are being presented as evil after they have been “good” for over a decade.

They’re trying to push every cosmic force into a field of being “true-neutral” and its just not interesting.


Fryakk wants to be an individual I guess :crazy_face: :popcorn: Protodrakes turning on eachother is not a good thing maybe?

We ARE the corrupted life. You could also say the protodrakes were corrupted by the titans…which is what vyranoth is so upset about.

As far as whether or not the titans are good or evil…I wouldn’t say they are either. But up until DF, the only thing we knew about them is what they wanted us to know. Now we know they lied to us about the first ones and the creation of the universe, they lied to us about nyalotha and the black empire, and they lied to the incarnates about not corrupting their children. Idk man, they don’t seem as good as they want us to believe, at the very least they certainly arnt trustworthy.

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Honestly, trying to assign human morality onto deific beings as the Titans, or literal cosmic forces such as Light and Void, is pointless imo. They are beyond the realms of human comprehension and human morality or thought.

Ultimately, they are what they are, and will do what they want. We, and by extension the mortal races of Azeroth, can try to assign labels to them all we like - but they’ll never truly fit or encompass what makes these things.


No, they’re being presented as they always have been: as cosmic forces with their own agenda. We’re just encountering some people who have a legitimate problem with how they’ve imposed their order for the first time.

D&D alignment has always been stupid and poorly defined. Forces operating on a cosmic scale should never have been graded by mortal morality - that was the bad writing. Cosmic forces of unrelenting “good” or “evil” are impossibly dull, and I can’t believe you people somehow find that more compelling.


Tbh I have kind of always treated Alignments like a guideline more than a rulebook. You can really stretch the vague definitions of what makes someone True Neutral or Lawful Evil or w/e, if you’re willing to try and play outside of an imagined ‘box’ that such Alignments appear to impose.

Most people just sadly don’t seem to know how to, or be willing to, do that. I find it a lot of fun, though! But, yeah - cosmic forces ultimately are neither good nor evil nor even ‘neutral’. Those are human concepts, and you can’t cleanly apply human concepts to things distinctly inhumane and beyond the comprehension of the mortal mind.

Sadly, writers struggle to depict this inhumanity properly, and thus tend to fall back on “this is good”, “this is evil”, “this is our interpretation of morally grey”. Which ends up leading to dull portrayals of cosmic forces.

(hi can you tell I enjoy cosmic horror specifically because of the inability to assign labels onto it :dracthyr_crylaugh: )

Blizzard stated we will get a new Dragonflight so the Titan Keeper Tyr will turn out to be vindicated for purifying Vyranoth’s Eggs with Order.

Vyranoth even now is seeing exactly what the Titans were trying to remove from the Eggs. Beforehand she only knew the Eggs were being infused with Order to counter something called Void without knowing exactly what Void even is. It is only now that she is starting to understand what Void does to the mind.

The Order Magic merely nullifies the effects that Void has on the mind. The Titan Keepers don’t put nearly enough Order Magic to brainwash them.

Only Malygos was brainwashed by an overload of Order and said Order came from the Nether Dragons he devoured consuming Arcane Order Energy from the Nexus. The Titans warned him that Magic was not to be hoarded because they knew how badly such hoarding brainwashed the users.

The Highborne, Malygos, the Nightborne… Their over consumption of Arcane turned all of them into arrogant elitists who tried to hoard their Magic.

It’s funny how Titans and Titan Keepers are seen as in the right while Constellars and those who overdose in Arcane Order are seen as in the wrong(the Constellars even went against the Titans for fighting against Argus which says how wrong they were).

I scrolled through the forums this morning and I just wanted to say this post has me laughing so hard my sides hurt.

Never has a meme fit Fryakk so well. It’s literally his entire personality I love it

Then the WoW team has to hire a credible writer :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: which isn’t happening.
I do believe D4 got someone who had experience to write a lot of D4’s stuff.

Yes, I would agree entirely that applying a monkier of “good” or “evil” when weighing the actions of a cosmic force is nonsensical. In fact, I would say it is harmful for the universe of World of Warcraft, but that is the route Blizzard has gone.

You’d have to agree the knee-jerk reactions the playerbase has had to concepts such as “Light Evil”, “Fel Good”, “Void Good”, “Necromancy isn’t necessarily Evil”, “Death Good” are completely validated by Blizzard’s inability to handle their own universe.

Warcraft at its best was just not ever that “deep”. Warcraft at its best was simple and straightforward, but now every contrived plot point in WoW (in every new form of media, really) for some reason has to be “grey” which is a completely and totally boring concept.

Some people are good for the sake of being good. Some people are evil for the sake of being evil. Sometimes it is that simple…and yes! I would argue that can be far more interesting than what the current forms of media have come up with.

I watched it but, meh, still looks too Disney-ish

Wake me up when a cool/interesting cinematic drops :yawning_face:

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WoW at the moment is currently beating into everyone’s heads that the Void on Azeroth at least is Evil and loves tricking people into thinking the Titans are the bad guys when they are infact the Good Guys.

Of course all the Whispers imply that the Void has got it’s tendrils into the creators of the Naaru which makes things much worse. The creators of the Naaru are the Eyes of the Earthmother AKA the Drowned God with said Eyes being Mu’sha(Mu’sha Azshara?) and An’she(Xal’atath is an Eye if you might recall).

If Azshara(and not Elune) is Mu’sha and Xal’atath is An’she and both are members of the Pantheon of Light then the Naaru are already compromised along with the 2 members Pantheon of Light itself with a third awaiting her corruption by Shadow.

I really, really hope every cosmic force doesn’t consist of a pantheon. That would be utterly awful.

If you listen carefully you can hear it whispering to him during the cinematic as well.

I suspect 10.2’s final boss will be a Fyrakk that’s fallen to the Void.


Shadowflame is part shadow magic, and I imagine it’ll take over him as it is very powerful. In the cinematic , it is his enhanced powers of ‘mind control’ [the whispers you hear] it seems so they buffed that up to have it sound cool IMO.

But yeah 10.2 seems like Fyrakk will probably attack the new tree, and that’ll be part of the raid, to stop him basically.