10.1.7 Cinematic Just Released

More likely shes going to do some sacrifice to save one of the Aspects and be remembered.

These “villains” aren’t scary or intriguing. They seem weak. The whole expansion has felt like a side quest.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


 but at the same time it’s true

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Remind me again who we killed at the end of the first raid tier again

Yeah, and I think Fyrakk snapping out of it in this cinematic could lead to an interesting internal struggle when it comes to the raid.

Not saying that it would be the most creative thing, but given WoW’s story for the last 2 expansions, we take what we can get, but it would be kindof cool if he realizes what he’s doing and the complications that arise from absorbing the Shadowflame.

I don’t think Vyranoth is switching sides per sey.

She’s still not on our side because our characters are Titan aligned. At least if the entirety of Legion and licking Magni’s boots are anything to go by.

She’s still against us, it just so happens that Fryakk went off the deep end and is agitating his siblings with his antics.

I also liked Eternus and they remind me of them in a sense. There’s no such thing as a “goody two shoes” infinite dragon because they’re literally infinite dragons and want to break time and bring about unmitigated chaos. But Eternus and Chromie decided to put their bickering asside for a moment of respite.

I don’t see that as switching sides, but I do see it as villains that are a lot more likeable than the types of things we’ve been seeing the past 6 something years or so.

If that cinematic indicates one thing, is that it’s objectively better than the Grim Adventures of Sylvanas and Anduin. I liked their interrogation scenes, but the broader story kinda fell flat then.

It’s a masterpiece

:kissing_heart::ok_hand:(chef kiss)

The Old Hag Dragon?..

The point is that for Team 2 doubt usually means flipping sides.

Story is washed

No, that was Shadow Flame. :slightly_smiling_face:

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She did not switch sides in the cinematic though? She has her goal to rid the planet of the Titans’ influence. She draws the line at torturing a youngling while her brother does not. Part of having an interesting story is having a dynamic and disagreements between aligned characters.


When aligned characters are both Villains such arguments over morality usually lead to one member of the argument either siding with the Good Guys or dead at the other’s hand.

But they’re characters created by humans like you and I whose job is to be much better than both of us at writing storylines.

I understand separating characters from their creators but when its so blatantly done its hard to

They’re written by humans, sure - but the beings themselves, in-lore, are cosmic forces or deities. Such things are, by definition, not mortal - nor can or should be defined within mortal limitations or concepts such as morality or thought.

Just because stuff is written by a human doesn’t mean that, in the context of the lore, worldbuilding, and storytelling, that those things are easily defined in human terms.

Tbh, I’ve read better roleplay and fanfiction sometimes, than stuff written by actual ‘writers’ who are oftentimes stifled by the higher ups, who want stuff to be this way or that way. Or who got the job and didn’t deserve it.

“Then the power that grows within
will be ours.” The Void is already changing him.