10.1.7 Cinematic Just Released


That’s actually a really good point.

I guess the implication could be that Fyrakk will inevitably burn himself out and Iri is more concerned with embracing the void and getting his ticket off the planet, so Vyra is left ruling whatever is left of the world.


I think Vyranoth will have a change of heart near the end and end up doing a sacrifice thing.

There are multiple futures - doesn’t mean our primalist future will be frozen.

Welcome to the time shenanigans that are 1000x worse than WoD time issues

My counter to this is that when Blizzard wishes to force a narrative, they’re as subtle as the grease from a Taco Bell Crunchwrap Supreme hitting the start of your small intestine.


Seems like Fyrakk has control of the shadowflame for now,it’ll be a matter of time before it take full control,reasoning with him wouldn’t matter soon.

I’m having a really hard time making that judgement personally - I think Vyranoth is the only incarnate to receive any kind of adequate character development.

Iridikron is sort of Jailer esque mustache twirling villian we know next to nothing about

Fyrakk basically was the quiet hitman with no regards for life but no in depth characterization so we can’t really say if he’s acting like himself or not.

Delightful Massacre :smiling_imp:

I would say he’s like a kid with no patience run on emotions to do what he pleases,add this power with a kid and the mix is explosive. He does have some reasoning in a rational sense,but that is mostly short lived.

To her they are, because they went back on their promise. They promised not to touch the eggs. But they transformed entire clutches of eggs. Sounds to me like she lost her entire clutch to the Titans and she wants the world to know what they’ve done, how they’re not to be trusted and to show people what she considers “true freedom.”

Having your children in their eggs be twisted into Titan constructs is pretty good motivation.


To be fair, Mathran’s not wrong about that. The Titans did care about life, because it meant that Azeroth was healthy and strong. Freya was left in charge of that. What they also cared about was Azeroth becoming corrupted. So they created Algalon for that singular purpose: wipe out corruption so it wouldn’t corrupt Azeroth.

And when the Curse of Flesh ran rampant, then the Keepers were corrupted, that’s when Algalon was initiated. He was there to wipe out corruption. We were the corruption.

But there was the misunderstanding: Algalon didn’t get that even though we were created by a Curse, we weren’t inherently corrupted. He had to learn that. The Titans finally had a chance to see that, as well. They didn’t wipe us out when they had the chance. They saw we could keep Azeroth safe and left us alone.

And don’t forget: they are part of the larger machine. Their job is Order. The machine exists for many reasons: mortals included.


The Titans have never been “good guys” since Wrath of the Lich King. They’ve just been not as bad as the Old Gods or Burning Legion. They were fully prepared to Re-originate Azeroth, killing all mortal life on the planet, and returning it to a primordial soup to start their project over. Just go do the Ulduar raid and fight Algalon the Observer:

Translocation complete. Commencing planetary analysis of Azeroth. Stand back, mortals. I’m not here to fight you. It is in the universes best interest to re-originate this planet should my analysis find systemic corruption. Do not interfere.

I have seen worlds bathed in the Makers’ flames, their denizens fading without so much of a whimper. Entire planetary systems born and razed in the time it takes your mortal hearts to beat once. Yet all throughout, my own heart devoid of emotion
 of empathy. I. Have. Felt. Nothing. A million-million lives wasted. Had they all held within them your tenacity? Had they all loved life as you do? Perhaps it is your imperfections
 that which grant you free will
 that allows you to persevere against all cosmically calculated odds. You prevail where the Titan’s perfect creations failed. I’ve rearranged the reply code - your planet will be spared. I cannot be certain of my own calculations anymore. I lack the strength to transmit the signal. You must
 find a place
 close to the skies. Do not worry about my fate, Bronzen. If the signal is not transmitted in time, re-origination will proceed regardless. Save
 your world

If something doesn’t fit within the Titan’s “perfect calculations”, they have no qualms of “ordering” it to fit their designs or, failing that, just destroying it.

Their only concern about Azeroth is its sleeping World Soul.


Yes and no. It’s not that black and white. Azeroth is their main focus. But life means that Azeroth is healthy and thriving. Life exists because of Azeroth herself. And Freya was put there to keep that going.

They also didn’t destroy us when they had the chance, because they saw we could protect Azeroth. We fought with them, we earned our place. Even Algalon eventually realized that we have merit.

I’d go into more detail, but most of that is right above your post. Hehe

I didn’t interpret the scene that way. I viewed it as - “We’ll let you live so long as you prove useful. If you mess up, Reorigination it is.” I would put the Titan’s squarely in the Lawful Neutral category. They’re neither good nor evil. They just want things to be nice and orderly, regardless of the means they have to take to make it happen.


You’re not wrong! It’s just that life, right now, and the way we protect the planet, are part of keeping Azeroth safe, so life does matter in that respect. It’s just a nuance of things.


Not a bad cinematic.

Let’s hope things actually happen in game this time, and we just don’t stare into the sky triumphantly while the bad guy is torching the country side.

I think you’re fundamentally misunderstanding the perspective of the titans.

You’re trying to explain their purpose but doing so from a mortal’s perspective.

That’s like the church of the holy light trying to explain the cause of the burning crusade.

I’m not arguing one side or another here because it’s blatantly clear the post-Metzen era of story telling is centered around relativism and subjective perspectives. They want us to validate each perspective (I also think that’s why the story is so hard to stomach or understand by long time fans because WoW has never been based on these story paradigms until recently) I understand those are buzz words but I’d encourage you to just explore what they are without bringing politics into things.

Alignment is a flawed system to try and interpret WoWs story at this point because it assumes an objective stance.

You can’t assign people chaotic evil, true neutral, or good etc
 in the WoW universe because their placement is entirely dependent on who’s viewing their actions or who you are asking.

Alignment systems are a relic of the past for these kinds of stories.

You “the titans don’t care about mortals” people remind me of the folks who think Stratholme was a bad thing to do. Cleansing the planet of corrupted life is GOOD for the rest of the universe. The titans are GOOD and pretending that this isn’t a new narrative beat and is instead something that’s been set up since ulduar is just silly

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You’re right - the story was clearly established as the titans being a force for good but as I mentioned the post-Metzen writers seem to have shifted to relativism and have demonstrated a clear distaste for WoWs story before their arrival (See Shadowlands, quite literally the ravaging of fifteen years of story development and even the announcement that that era of Warcraft is “over”).

If you ask my perspective, I agree with you but I can frankly also see merit in Sargeras’s burning crusade.

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I’m not the one who posted alignments.

Except that doesn’t make sense. One is “Titans have a higher purpose and we’re small in the grand scheme of things.” The other is “A person mass murdered people.”

Neither of those go hand in hand.

And we were the corruption that was being cleansed until we convinced Algalon otherwise.

They aren’t good or evil. They just
 are. They follow their purpose, which is to bring Order to the universe. Life matters, but if it ends up being corrupt or Chaos, they will force change or wipe it out accordingly.

That’s exactly what they did with the dragons: they forced change. Whether we see that as good or bad is purely our perspective.