Whenever there’s infighting in a faction, it usually leads to something good lol.
Yeah, unfortunately the villain-aspects are 100% more interesting than the actual titan-infused ones.
Ours just sit around all day and issue commands to us, while doing basically nothing themselves. Or, it’s their underlings, like Chromie, getting it done.
Meanwhile, the Primalists are out there, getting stuff done.
Difficult to tell if he’s just naturally this power hungry, the void in the shadow flame is taking his power hungry ness to the next level, or if the void is literally just controlling him to attack the tree
I think this was an excellent cinematic but overall none of the villains since WoD have been as compelling as Gul’dan. I actually wanted to finish him in Nighthold. Everything after that has been meh .
Sylvannas I wanted to end just to stop hearing about her
I still think Garrosh has the best arc of the Warcraft series with Arthas being a close second.
Honestly, same. They started building her in Legion, BfA launches with a badass cinematic, Sylvanas burns the tree and becomes evil, and does more evil that ultimately amounts to nothing. Shadowlands, the whole expansion is basically ALL ABOUT HER, and she ends up being a good girl by the end of it.
Even thinking about it makes me mad.
Because they were the best. Tragic characters, who believed in themselves, and ultimately thought they were doing the right thing. And we watched them grow from heroes into villains.
At least we got to see Garrosh again in SL, even if it was his perma-death lol.
His soul got shattered. And it’s funny Arthas lived a little longer as a dying fart than Garrosh did in there.
what a snooze. more cryptic stuff, more mustache twirling. this writing is pretty much the same quality as shadowlands the only difference is they’re using a somewhat established island this time that disguises it.
In Zaralek, Fryakk flies into the shadow flame and absorbs it. Literally the stuff that got Deathwing all messed up.
You can see how the shadowflame is changing Fryakk. Granted, he was always painted with this insane-o crazy villain archetype, but I can’t help but feel something about him is changijg. I feel sorry for him regardless. he’s really starting to lose himself.
A combination of him being corrupted, and Vyranoth herself starting to grow somewhat sympathetic to the post-Titan flights, puts her at odds with Fryakk.
This is hands down the best cinematic so far in this expansion. And I’m not just saying that because it’s the newest one. We are finally seeing the culmination of all these characters being set in motion. Alliances are forged, new enemies are made.
The Titans infused their Magic into the Dragon Eggs because of Yogg-Saron’s Void Corruption.
Vyranoth is learning exactly what Void Corruption does to her people.
None of her Eggs were untainted(due to being in the direct path of the Wellspring that Yogg-Saron’s Void-taint infected) the Titans were just replacing the psychotic taint with a less psychotic taint.
Once Vyranoth understands just how the Void has manipulated both sides of the conflict between the Primalists and Dragonflights she will probably consent to becoming the Silver Aspect of Holy Order Magic.
We’ve seen 5 types of Order Magic: Nature Order Magic AKA Dream Magic, Arcane Order Magic, Time Magic, Earth Order Magic and Holy Order Magic.
Only 4 of these 5 Magics have been used to create Dragon Aspects with Dragonflights corresponding with them. The 5th Dragon Aspect was infused with Life Magic which Eonar likely got from Elunaria I.E. Elune herself.
Eonar’s Magic is Dream Magic, Aman’Thul’s Magic is Time Magic, Norgannon’s Magic is Arcane Order Magic, Khaz’goroth’s Magic is Earth Order Magic, Aggramar’s Magic is Holy Order Magic and Golganneth’s Magic is Water Order Magic.
That’s a Flashback cutscene where Zakajz does the same thing in the fight against Tyr that some other C’Thraxxi is probably doing right now.
Tyr will probably be revived too.
The Dragon Aspects will be restored and the 6th Aspect Vyranoth will rise with the Silver Dragonflight. Shame Golganneth has no corresponding Aspect(leaving Alexstrasza with Elunaria’s Life Magic) then again his chief agents have always been the Sea Giants…
Igira makes a suit of armor for Fyrakk ala Deathwing because he’s unstable now. Void corruption for all. I assume this only because the Old Gods seem to have a running theme going on. I mean look at Yogg’Saron for goodness sake.
Edit: Nope. None of those things happened yet. Looking forward to this patch!