“Girl dragon” had a point, and her conversation with Alextrasza highlighted the fact that the Aspects championed gods that they didn’t really understand and are now thinking to question the motives of, in the face of realizing that permanently imprisoning people who did the same thing 10,000+ years ago was kind of an awful thing to do.
But sure, if you want to be disingenuous and boil every story down to stupid summaries, that’s cool too.
Lord of the Rings was just “small weak good guy beats big bad guy because of convenient plot contrivance”, btw
You’re ignoring that girl dragon has existed for a few months? And her whole character arc is “titans (who’ve been around for decades) are le bad”
I like having cool headed villains and seeing her be such a polar opposite to fyrrak is pretty cool but they need better motivations. And some sidekicks too I mean how are these guys even getting anything done
I’m not super clear on what your point here is, but I think you’re suggesting that because she’s a new character questioning the established “good guys” her narrative falls flat?
I mean, to start with, that’s how new characters work - they have to start somewhere. And as far as the Titans go, it’s been pretty clear that “good guy” isn’t a great word for them from the very beginning. Our first big introduction to them involved having to stop their automatic system from nuking the entire planet lol
They’ve got the Primalist forces (which, admittedly, still need some explanation as to where they all even came from) and the Zaqali Djaradin, who have a pretty large army. They’re not lacking for minions.
Nice in-game cinematic.
Shame I find the primalist stuff comically bad lol
But I can appreciate them trying to improve the development and writing of it all.
I’d be surprised if it goes down like this. I have a feeling she’ll convince us (and possibly the aspects) that the titans and their keepers arnt the “good” side at all.
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My point is blizzard devs have very obviously ran out of inspiration and are back tracking their own lore because what else would you do with a 20 year old game that was based on even older lore.
Its a very cheap tactic
Titans who were good are now bad??
And cleansing old god corruption? The cosmically good thing to do?? Why are you pretending lmao
Titans have been presented from day one as cosmic entities whose interest in our planet does not require us to still be alive on it. They have their own designs and our autonomy and/or existence is at best a side interest to them.
Keep in mind that the only reason half the currently playable races exist is because a void curse turned Titan slave robots into self-aware and self-determinant mortal people.
Can I please have a justified villain who doesn’t switch sides or go insane?
I loved Elias in D4. Yeah he was a simp for Lilith but he was actually crazy smart. He turned all of those garbage cultists into an army fighting AGAINST the Triune. He turned the power of demon kind against itself and almost solved the eternal conflict. His only flaws (besides being a heartless SOB) were underestimating the OP Wanderer and making too many enemies at once. He was smart enough to make himself immortal so that even a Nephalim couldn’t kill him, he just underestimated how much everyone wanted a piece of him.
That is good writing. This Dragonflight stuff ain’t it.
I cannot associate myself with anything dragon-related. The whole storytelling feels unnatural. The biggest fun I have with it are the cameos. It is simply not engaging to me, it lacks something which wants me to know more about the whole thing.
That’s just not true and your definition of day 1 is like bfa going forward? Go read the old wow manuals lmao they were always good. Wiping out corruption was their thing but this whole “they never cared about life” angle is so stupid lol
Have you run Ulduar? You should run Ulduar. Have a chat with Algalon.
Do that and then come back when you can have an informed conversation.
I was enjoying the video until the frost primal showed up.
Their convo was pretty stupid, but o well.
I hope Fryakk gets more screen time.
This is why I can’t always take folks saying “WoW has bad storytelling!” seriously. So many consistently say they pay little and less attention to the story, as is - and it shows in how misinformed they sometimes are regarding finer details and nuances.
Is WoW’s storytelling amazing and brilliant all the time? Nah. Especially not from late BfA up to the end of SL. But it’s not nearly so awful and nonsensical as some people want to think or claim. I’ve enjoyed most of what I’ve been able to read through thus far in the quests from yesteryear and Legion.
That said, I have fallen off DF’s story. Not out of disinter-- well. Some disinterest, admittedly. But mostly just I don’t enjoy the Isles enough to remember to keep up with it often, so I’ve effectively just decided I’ll get around to it next expansion eventually. But from what I have seen, it is serviceable for the most part, and I do enjoy the Primalists as an antagonist - even if I think we’ve had better villains than them. But this is very much a “vacation” type of expansion and storyline, and that’s fine.
Yep. Half don’t pay attention at all and just parrot nonsense they’ve seen other people say about it, and the other half are edgy manchildren who want WoW to be gloom and blood and death all the time because Diablo didn’t scratch that itch for them, I guess.
Lmao…so the titans told you they were the good guys lol can’t see anything wrong in that logic
The Incarnates are actually pretty decent characters for what little screen time they’ve had.
Even in this cinematic, Fyrakk shows that a part of him is still “in there,” he’s hot headed for sure, and falling victim to the Shadowflame, but that little bit of character development goes along way when you only have 2 min every 6 months to develop them.
The Incarnates are good villains, it’s just that the Dragon Aspects have been portrayed as whinny, uninteresting characters, and they have received 90% of the screentime.