10.1.5 allied race

Your initial reaction in terms of the requirement change from quest lines to just reaching level 40 on one single toon on your account?

I’m happy I won’t have to tell friends the whole rigamarole to get some cool folks to play as :sunglasses:


sounds good. blizz should do this with all races upon the next xpac (meaning if we got an AR this xpac, in the followig xpac there should be no reqs)


Questline still needed for the special mount at the end.

I’m fine with this change. Means more Void Elves running around and less Blood Elves.

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But not today ren dorai

Fine by me. I wouldn’t wish the Allied Race grinds on anyone, not even my hypothetical worst enemy.

“Why did they wait so long?”


Could make a lightforged Draenei now.

I’m ok with it

Past due. Should of been done at end of BFA


Sounds like a fun way of sunsetting a system.

They should have been unlocked at the end of the expansions they were introduced in, but leave the achievements in place for people that want to get them.


I’m happy with it, I just finished unlocking all allied races couple days ago, high mountain tauren I didn’t realize was in another expansion but that just means I’m going to have a super easy time.

Even without rep grinds I’d never suggest going through all these quests because for zandalari trolls alone is literally think over 460 quests, I know it’s just under 500 because when I was done I was close to finishing 1,500 quests on that character (started the zandalari requirements at 1,000 completed quests). I did not expect that many quests for one race.

Happy that ill finally be able to play a fatboy, unhappy that the disgrace called “vulpera” will be unlocked on my account.
I take pride on not having this garbage unlocked, alongside nightborne.

Thank god.

Everything about unlocking KT was miserable.

Indifference. I finished unlocking them so long ago that I don’t remember anything that was involved in it.

Thank goodness. Some of the requirements were ridiculous

Makes it easier for newer players or those that can’t be bothered to quest.

I like how they still have to do it if they want the heritage armor. It gives them an incentive to quest and do that old content which was nice to know their stories and help inform why they joined.

I liked unlocking allied races personally and hope they keep adding them. Adding any race we meet is such a fun thing to look forward too.

I’m perfectly fine with it.
Already had a few done before they announced this. Just have a few others I’ve been working on but even with BTW quests I still get way off track so was pretty close to thinking the rest weren’t going to happen but now, got plenty chars over 40 so will be nice to just be able to go and have them finished.

My inner elitist is still rolling my eyes at it.

My outer casual doesnt care.

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My first thoughts were “Oh god, don’t make the tabards and mounts legacy”. :dracthyr_sweat: