Two Day Raiding Guild is a two day raiding guild (surprise!) on Stormrage. Formed in November 2018 by CE raiders, who want to achieve CE consistently on a two day schedule in a fun and positive environment.
Current Progression:
Mythic: Sanctum of Domination - 10/10
Mythic: Castle Nathria - 10/10
Mythic: Ny’alotha - 12/12
Mythic: The Eternal Palace - 7/8
Mythic: Battle of Dazar’alor - 9/9
Mythic: Uldir - 7/8
Raid Times:
8pm-11pm (EST/Server time) - Tuesday/Wednesday
Current Recruitment Needs:
Melee DPS (Rogue, DH)
Ranged DPS (Boomkin, Hunter and/or Spriest)
We are always on the lookout for exceptional players so feel free to throw in an application or chat with anyone of us. Applications can be made through the website below.
Minimum Requirements:
245+ ilvl
Max Renown for the week
Mythic raiding Experience (preferably in the current expansion)
Expectations from Raiders:
- Basic understanding of encounters -Officers will post videos/guides in the raiders discussion channel (discord) and all raiders are expected to review them. Feedback is always welcome on these strategies.
- Class Knowledge - We expect all raiders to know their class and min/max their performance.
- Warcraft Logs - Understand that Warcraftlogs are an amazing tool to help you perform better, and learn from your mistakes. We have officers who will help you if needed to sift through the logs.
- Attendance - We expect 90%+ attendance.
- Positive Attitude - Ability to accept constructive criticism and always strive to improve, be enthusiastic about the game, and respect your fellow raiders.
- Guild Vault - Maximize your loot potential through the GV.
Other Requirements:
- Discord
- Astral Keys (Addon)
- WeakAuras
- DBM or BigWigs
- Exorsus Raid Tools
Please do not hesitate to add us on Btag if you any questions at all.
Grimcharm - Grimcharm#1383 (Discord - Grimcharm#0924)