417 Hunter or 412 Brewmaster

Hunter or monk doesn’t matter - currently on horde but no problems switching - looking for a new home… i work a lot and don’t have time to look for a new guild Every other day. Experienced player tanked during mythic garrosh, mythic blackhand. Was a tank in legion but did not raid mythic due to personal issues. Looking back into getting mythic raiding. Available to raid anytime after 8est and has to be done by 1am est. I have all tanks at 120 and most are geared. Please message with questions. Classes I play are negotiable the times are not. Thank you

Hey Aylid,

Would it be possible for you to add me on discord or bnet - to chat further about your potential “new home” ?

For reference - here is our recruiting post:

My contact info is:

Grimcharm - Grimcharm#1383 (Discord - Grimcharm#0924)



Hiya OP! Id love to talk to you about our raid team, since we are looking for a new tank/melee. May I add you on Discord?

Still need a tank?

h ttps://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/stormrage/rutroragg%c3%bd#difficulty=4

Above are my brewmaster logs i have a 421 Prot warrior as well. 7/8M uldir 3/9 BOD and much more.

Add Scrapy#11690 on btag or respond here!