10.1 thread

I will take a slow but dedicated trickle of customization options over the “here’s some customizations that should have been added years ago and still don’t get us even part of the way to matching the customization of newer games, thank us for the sacrifice” they did in Shadowlands.

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not to be mr blizzard stan but I do think WoW legit has maybe the best MMO customization now.

FFXIV models/animations/mogs are great but it just doesn’t have the crazy race variety WoW does, and ESO does a very bad job compared to either of them with its single-animation rig for all races and crummy slider system where everyone winds up looking sort of the same anyway. To say nothing of something like New World where you can only be a dumb ol samey lookin human

It is a little annoying that I still can’t change draenei eye color except, apparently, to be blind, but overall it is a lot of fun to make characters in WoW now.

And the only truly somewhat different race (hrothgar) can’t even wear most head gear.

Granted most of it would look dumb, but at least WoW gives your tauren the option to put that stupid god damn helmet on.

Both have their pros and cons.

The Icon of Torment is iconic, I always thought it had symbolic meaning.


dracthyr are just wow’s hrothgar

Blizz just throwing everything at the wall. Quivers incoming…

… I am never gonna be able to get all of the things I want. If that’s 750 tokens for one backpack item, like they did for the treasure chest thing, I’m screwed.


They really should let us earn tokens after we get the monthly reward for those who want more.


April Trading Post Items: (Quiver INC)

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Pretty sure the grift is for us to come back next year for the previously unobtained items, like going for the long, strange trip achieve. I’ll do it, because I’ll be playing next year.

Screams in anger.

Why is the quiver and gun pouch class locked? Hello???

Outlaw Rogues DNI with the pouch I guess.


I saw that this morning and nearly lost my sht. There is zero reason for this.

There are some more details on x-faction guilds out now


Seems weirdly restrictive to require battle.net community membership or btag friend to get an invite… I was kinda hoping this would result in loosening restrictions on in-game chat channels between factions rather than relying on the sort of out-of-game blizzard communication infrastructure to handle cross faction stuff.


The “unfriendly in the outside world” thing is annoying because of healing.

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Wildly off topic, but I’m imagining a Kaldorei priest on healing duty and the rest of the party is Horde, with the priest laughing hysterically as the tank and dps burn to death due to this restriction, rping it as Elune’s will because their spells literally will not reach the other players.