10.1 Spriest makes no sense

After testing some talents on the PTR, 10.1 spriest is going to be completely unplayable outside of the lower elo brackets. Too much reliance on casting only to deal minuscule damage. Meta is too fast paced & there’s far too many micro cc’s to rely on something like void torrent for a kill. Having to fake cast 3x just to land a 12k mindblast feels equally terrible. Shadow word death is the worst execute in the game because it’s been nerfed 3x to the ground since the start of the xpac.

The numbers don’t make any sense. Sure we can get close to the top of the damage meters by triple dotting and doing meaningless spread pressure to pets, but if you ever look at the single target breakdown we will often be millions behind other star dps.

Removing damnation and void origins is completely senseless. The successful casters this expansion have various trees to cast on and don’t even need to seriously worry about interrupts. If we get kicked the game is literally over (even with interrupt duration being reduced, the amount of 70%-0 in 1 seconds i experience is way too high).

I really don’t know what direction they are trying to go in but spriest is already feeling horrible right now and it will only be worse come 10.1… We will rely on OP classes like demo locks to carry us and make us look viable


He just like me fr


Blizz forcing spriest to heal or reroll into lock.

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Unfortunately spriest is the only class/spec that still penalized for its utility. You see it here a lot from the awful players that regularly post here.

It’s funny how the 2 most common moronic takes on spriest is:

  1. Utility good, nerf damage (ie:make it irrelevant)
  2. CC good, nerf damage (ie: make it irrelevant)

The recent expansions SL& DF are all about burst and that’s been stripped from spriest.

Warrior, ret, dh, ele, balance, locks all have excellent utility and are capable of doing more burst.

Also spriest was the ONLY caster singled out as needing to cast more by the devs, the other caster specs don’t even cast either :rofl: All the result of melee uptime and the million micro-cc in the game.


Blizz the only developer that would take a well-designed spec and actively make it worse :clown_face:


10.1.5 will save us surely

anyways catch me on ele because spriest is a garbage mess next season


Hey welcome to the affy lock life my friend.

Spriest is soooo boned. I was hoping for good changes. Guess I gotta scrap my Priest and play my Ele Shaman…

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They didn’t do any number tuning for Ret 10.0.7 until 2 weeks before launch. I suspect they are probably going to do the same thing for spriest, since both patches have short PTR’s and they worked mostly on mechanics & talent design the first few weeks.

Blizzard is offering innovative solutions for spriest in pvp, like attaching a roll of charmin to a chain saw to really get your bum cleaned.

Kinda why I quit playing my SPriest.
Destro literally doesn’t cast hardly ever, affi doesn’t cast, demo is a CC/pet bot, DEvoker casts but it also dies like a sack of potatoes, I can’t think of any caster excluding SPriest/Evoker that actually casts a lot of its abilities.


These issues will remain unresolved unless pointed out by the community council, and even then there’s still a good chance they will be ignored. Either way, whoever is running the pvp team is doing an incredibly bad job :poop:


i swear they should undo every spriest change they’ve done since dragonflight launch and go from there

the mop-style design was so refreshing and i was genuinely excited to play spriest as an alt this xpac, but now i have no interest whatsoever

yes it was overtuned but the tuning they did to it completely killed off the fun builds

now it feels so tied to dot damage and catharsis it’s unrecognizable


Yeah. The worst thing was nerfed early on (Sw;Death spam with inescapable torment in pvp). After that the nerfs were unwarranted.

Blizz can still save 10.1 pvp for shadow by doing the following at a minimum:

  1. Void Origins baseline

  2. Mind Flay: Insanity castable while moving

  3. Mind Spike: Insanity instant cast

  4. Focused Will nerf from 10.0.5 reverted


Yeah idk why they have to hard cast a spell just to pop their only offensive damage cooldown

Damnation added back in game and made baseline too

Proc nerfs reverted(to a certain extent)

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Precog was always a terrible bandaid. I guess that begets the question would the game really be better if not everyone had micro cc, stuns, ms, self heals and interrupts

On the opposite end getting lobbed down by chaos bolts and glacials isn’t fun either when your getting global’d from that. Tough situation to resolve

Affliction doesn’t cast… are you outside of your mind?


Oh, whoops.


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Right i was responding to someone else claiming affliction doesn’t cast. Its extremely cast heavy, especially since one of your biggest defensives is precog soul rot drain.

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kinda sad to hear was hoping to give sp a try next season. the kit looked fun.

their emphasis on hard casting is weird given how specs like frost, fire, ele, etc currently play. All while having multiple schools and ways to create distance like you said

maybe this is their attempt to design a spec around precog? idk