10.1 on ptr. No new Battlegrounds

People who sync queues with 6+ groups suddenly struggle to sync queues with 2 raids?

Blizzard can’t even prevent premade raids in unrated bgs. Suddenly, they’ll be able to prevent extra queue coordination in a rated setting?

You’ll help the other 39 players get conquest on their alts or whatevers. Maybe you’re also helping them get their 1800 achievements/xmogs.

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Still waiting for the day we get CTF in the Boralus Hedge Maze.


No one syncs queues. You keep repeating this nonsense.

Parties aren’t raids.

Sounds like a net benefit for everyone. It’ll even keep the premades out of random epics. Not sure why you’re crying other than to cry.



Sure, if you don’t mind destroying the integrity of the bracket for everyone else.

I fail to see how premade v premade is destroying the integrity of said hypothetical bracket, but you don’t play max level pvp anyway so it shouldn’t concern you I guess.


Well, you don’t even see the harm in premade raids vs. pugs in unrated bgs, so it’s not surprising.

You also think no one syncs queues. :dracthyr_shrug:

Probably because they don’t. You and several somehow think 15 people in blues fighting pugs is some world ending event.



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They have a great opportunity here to revitalize the BG scene. The community council recently made a post about new BG content, so maybe something is in the works :crossed_fingers:

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This is what everyone should be talking about. Because if this doesn’t mean we are getting Solo RBGs (highly unlikely) I assume this means we are finally getting an unranked BG mmr. Hopefully it doesn’t tank queue times.


If it is a hidden MMR for random bgs, that might have some interesting effects on players who run with premades.

As they continue to win, their MMR will go higher and higher. Their queue times might get longer and they’ll be matched against other players who also premade and have high MMR.

If it’s one of the cheating premade raids, not only will they need to sync queues, but they also need to make sure all their groups have the same MMR. Otherwise, their parties will be split apart. If the MMR is hidden, that will be harder to pull off.


This is interesting stuff 100%.
Some research shows that Matchmaking systems have a design based uniqueness to them which is kept under wraps. It’s the secret in the sauce.
These two articles are about SBMM, Skill Based Matchmaking definitely worth a read.


We can see why matchmaking topics veer to each side of the fence with our game too.


It won’t matter anyway. You’ll still lose to them because you’re bad.

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It’ll matter in a lot of ways. We will find out who’s good and who’s not. As for the premades, we will find out who’s getting carried and who earned their spot. Gonna be a river of tears on the forums here real soon.


I hope your’e right. I’m bad but I’m scrappy.

no pvp vendors either to test gear but pve players get everything. its a pve only game i guess. no respect for pvp

I would love nothing more than to see this put a nail in the coffin of epic bg premades.

Why are you lashing out? Do you feel threatened by the prospect of losing your security blanket?


No because I don’t need a premade to kill people.

All of the forum whiners will just find something else to complain about, assuming that there isn’t a workaround found.

Also, this is likely for rbgs and not randoms.

The only tears will be from the same people who blame external factors for their lack of ability. The premade community leaders don’t post here, and the community members who do by and large aren’t the ones whining because PvP happened.


You’re not wrong there, this is definitely going to require the Forums to rewrite the narrative. My guess is the early takes will be something along the lines of “it’s not working.”

I know there has been a lot of discussion around this being for some kind of solo rated rbgs but I am skeptical about that. Blizzard sat on Solo Shuffle Arena for quite a while as a weekend event, and we just got full time shuffle arena. I don’t see Blizzard dropping something like Solo RBG on us so quickly.

Maybe this is changing something in the RBG code but we already have MMR matchmaking going on. Not that it’s working great right now.