10.1 on ptr. No new Battlegrounds

I mean if it IS for bgs and it will be something similar to rated epics, it will just drive up participation from premades and make for hopefully more competition.

I would doubt they would implement rating checks for random bgs to stagger queues. Most of the premade players and pugs come from the same unranked/unrated pool.

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I’ve been looking for a new ladder to use at home, which one do you use to get on your pedestal? Seems to get a lot of use, so the quality must be great.


You’re the one with the issues not me so figure it out yourself.

Holycow thank you for Hijacking my Thread with your whiney BS. This was suppose to be a thread about getting us new BG’s and as usual you have to come in Crying about something totally off topic Grow up already. I think everyone gets the idea that you don’t like premades ffs. Go play FFXIV or something already.

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You’re welcome!

When you’re calmer, go back and read the thread. I was responding to people with comments that were relevant to what they were saying. It’s a discussion.


Who attacks holycow? thats one of the sweetest most helpful people on this forum.


And what kinda backwards logic is that anyways, They have a conversation in your thread (thus drawing more attention to it) and that somehow hurts the potential of us getting more bgs?


I agree OP. I don’t know why they the development of new bgs is so lacking. I personally LOVE wow bgs.

I like SS myself. enjoy that its different from the stagnant notion of typical flag maps. Also it reminds of ESO’s crazy king bg mode which I also enjoy.

Uh I would like them to still make bgs creative. I don’t need every BG to be like or similar to SS but i wouldn’t want them all to be basic stuff either. Don’t see why we cant have a mix up.

yea strands wasn’t my favorite but i want to see us getting more bg content. not losing it.

oooo wait what? can you link? I would LOVE for blizz to start coming out with more bgs. I’m really hoping we see one or two in DF. they did have some sections of the new road map state new content was coming.

this would be a good thing? yea? so the better you do the better foes you would get?


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Ty, for your riveting and insightful opinion

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