10.1 on ptr. No new Battlegrounds

Why are Pvp’rs 2nd class, compared to Pve’rs? Pve gets new Dungeons and Raids every expac and we get nothing. Its getting really old. Ive got lots of friends who would come back to the game if PVP was a thing again but Blizzard has let it die. They did a great job on the Gearing systems even including World PVP but they did nothing for us as far as content goes. Blizzard if you are reading this please address the issue. Either get rid of pvp or make content for the people that play it.


I mean it’s neat to get new maps but I’m not sure potentially another Seething Shore is going to fix anything.

I’m interested to see what this means…

(New) - Your Matchmaking Value determines which players join your match. Players with similar Matchmaking Values are more likely to be matched together.

(New) - Your personal rating at the end of this match.


That is interesting. We’ve been begging for rated epics for a long time. I wonder if it’s being considered.

Rated epics would be… well… epic.

A new matchmaking tool seems like the start of a rated solo BG queue to me, but it could also be tighter MMR queueing for random BGs. Either way, I’m excited.

We should get a couple of new PVP maps for every Ex-pack BG and arena. Blizzard builds new dungeons every expansion and raids every season.

It’s not too much to ask for a couple of new PVP maps in the life of an expansion; they don’t take near the effort of dungeons and raids because we don’t need PVE bosses and mobs, just a new place to fight. Not to mention it’s a piece of the ex-pack that can be carried on into future ex-packs. Eye of the Storm is still one of my personal favorites.

They don’t need to be overly creative; we all know what happens when they dabble with creativity; we mine for azurite. lol someone thought that would be a real winner, but hey, kidding aside, at least they tried, and I appreciate the effort.

Heck, we even lost Tol Barad and Strand of the agents. Sure, they had their issues but couldn’t be retooled or replaced.

I don’t want to bring up hurt feelings about strands. I realize it was one of the most ignored BGs ever; just pointing out we have lost out on other options and could use more. Everyone is not going to like every BG.


It’s what they need but I think there are other considerations such as queue times and faction imbalance. If your faction is averaging -20 in queued players compared to the other you’ll always have that deficit.

It’s probably some formulaic change for rbgs more than anything.

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A lot more PvE subs than PvP subs.

way too many players for rating in epics to mean anything at all. you would need hundreds of thousands of games to see any individual contribution. with over half the people in epics having green or leveling gear also makes having a rating unlikely. there is just zero skill expression in the mode, even in a 40 vs 40 premade.

I doubt it.

Premade raid communities are so good at syncing queues and whatnot.

It would be too tempting for premade raids to start match fixing to boost rating or farm fast conquest.

lets stay on topic here guys Im sick of hearing all the crying about premades we need some more BG’s and Epic BG’s


You all have some really weird fantasy scenarios.

Curious if that would be the case if every new expansion you purchased had the same raids and dungeons. I would be willing to bet people would still log in to play PVP while all the PVE players left for a different game.

True, there are more PVE players, but Wow has a decent size PVP player base from doing the bare minimum; imagine if they put in any effort.


People use premade raids to farm easy wins/honor/HKs.

It’s not a stretch to imagine they’d also use premade raids to farm easy rating/conquest.

Clearly you haven’t been in a premade v premade match before or one of the premades you’ve been in was drunk.


epic bgs are still mega laggy…

they always blame the engine, but they never update the engine, just adding more maps or armors, but engine has been the same since the beginning, sad they haven’t invest in it.

What happens when you control both premades?

You don’t? Not against common sense to think they would implement some type of queue staggering to prevent people from matching against each other’s own games.

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I have more conquest than I know what to do with though.