10.1 is the best gearing system i've ever played in WoW

I dislike this gearing system a lot. Having gotten the exact same ring as a reward from multiple different weekly sources this week felt reaaaal fun.


They need an upgrade path from different item tier levels of loot. Some things have such a low drop chance it’s necessary.

I do think it’s weird you can’t get any aspect tokens from Heroic raid though. I’d say they could stand to adjust that to last couple bosses give Aspect tokens and make it 1 token per boss. 10 fragments per boss is kind of dumb. That’s all the Aspect tokens you’d ever need if you don’t want to do M+ or Mythic raid.

Given I’m only wearing 4 pieces of loot from M+ I’d say it’s pretty balanced though. Raid loot under Mythic super super super matters again.

The loot tables in M+ need help, they’re not putting any thought into them and it shows. They also need to enable catalyst for non armor as well if they’re going to continue to release it when they do. Let me convert my garbage trinket to bis with a catalyst token if I would like to spend it that way.

That’s a loot table issue though, not a problem with the actual system.

It’s too bad they’ll probably change the gearing system at least once again before next expansion.

At this point we can crush mythic crests.

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Let’s just hope they don’t ditch it. It works. Don’t try to fix something that isn’t broken.

Thats a weekly drop issue, not a gearing upgrade issue.

I’m really worried it’s going to cause massive burnout by about week 5-6.

I kind of like it, but it’s also extremely fast and rewards a lot of grinding.

Which is great I guess for people that have been pushing for a more grindy and fast gearing system.

They only need to add reforging and it’ll pretty much be perfect.

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Is going to be fun when they nerf the weekly crest cap, by the third week you have more than enough to upgrade your whole set.

They should bring back a way to purchase 2-3 items like on season 4 of shadowlands and reduce the weekly cap.

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i have been enjoying it so far.

Yes they show depending on what upgrade materials you have. I don’t see upgrades that require Aspects Shadowflame Crests because I don’t have any. But I see ones for the other crests as well as the ones that require flightstones. You have to press the + on the item to show the upgrade options, if any.

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If you mean the upgrades, they only show up on Raidbots if you have the crests or the flightstones in your inventory and are able to upgrade them. You have to press the + on the item.

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the upgrade system is great

only change I would make - and this will definitely be an unpopular opinion - is to have champion gear cap out like 3-4 ilvl sooner, it just feels like there isn’t a big enough difference between champion and hero tiers.

Going from normal to heroic raid, the gear drops just don’t feel like as big of upgrades as they should.

I hated it at first, but it’s really grown on me. I think it’s pretty solid, though I do actually think if Valor wasn’t as hard to get it would still be better since you don’t have to juggle 8 bag slots for all the crests and crest parts. But overall, yeah it’s good. Upgrading gear actually feels good and rewarding as well. And since you don’t need crests for subsequent upgrades, only Flightstones, you don’t have to worry about sitting something in your bank forever (Something which I was actually wrong about I thought you did)

I couldnt agree more.
Imagine starting a new pvp season, and all you have to do is drop 10k into the AH and you can actually play pvp and have a good time.

This system is amazing and by far the best balance between Mythic+, Raid and PVP gearing has ever had.

Normal/Pre-17 key gear is only 4 item level lower than Heroic/17+ when fully upgraded and then when you DO get that Hero track item, you only need to spend half the flightstones and 1 Aspect crest to get it to max. You can get a sub-optimal item and upgrade it so it’s useful while you hunt for your BiS statted item and then upgrade that item essentially for free once you finally get it.

No more being stuck with an item 20 ilevel lower than it could be because it’s not “worth” spending the valor to upgrade anything less than best in slot. No more telling friends that it’s simply not worth me helping them with lower keys because I can at the very least get Wyrm crests out of +11 and higher. No more resenting my guild for staying in Normal an extra few weeks to gear players who don’t do M+ because the gear there is still relevant because I can easily upgrade it to 437 which holds me over until I get it in Heroic or from a 17+

I absolutely love it. If you want to spend all week grinding, you can get a LOT of crests for upgrades. But if you don’t, you don’t miss out because your total carries over to the next week. The ONLY thing I would change is if I’m capped on Aspect crests from +16s onwards, then doing a 16+ should give me Wyrm crests instead. It’s annoying having to go “Okay guys, I have to stop doing +18s and do +15s for the rest of the week because I need Wyrm crests” (And I know you can trade Aspects for Wyrm, but that still takes them out of your Aspect total and you still need a lot of Aspects for crafted 447s and for the 5/5 Hero

But for the most part, it’s an amazing system. By far my favourite season for gearing, ever.


/10 chars

Only pet peeve I have is that I wish there was a way to increase a piece of gear from from one upgrade path into the next.

Make it cost a crap ton of resources, but it’s be nice to take a piece of champion gear and upgrade to hero so you can keep upgrading the Ilvl without having to go back and farm the dungeon.

Think back to s1 where you had people farming puzzle box for hundreds of runs and lots of vaults. Being able to jam lower keys made that somewhat appealing. Now trying to push that key every week on max difficulty is gonna has a lot of people out.

Weapons are another bummer, and heavily incentivizes crafting them if you don’t get a champion piece or something from the vault. Being able to just jam a few 16s and get a 447 weapon if you throw enough gold at it shouldn’t be the best option - but I like that it is an option.

Not a fan tbh. They just substituted artifact power with a ton of different currencies to upgrade stuff. Honestly wish they would just bring justice points back, and use that, and valor to upgrade stuff. The game has turned into world of currencycraft.


Would you rather do somwthing 5 times, or just once, for the same end result?

Because thats the reward of Heroic level gear in your case. One and done