10.1 enhancement shaman nerfs

I just have warrior pov but isn’t the physical build just hold W and pray for ascendence procs?

Warrior brain

And windfury procs. Hitting doom winds is basically gambling. Maybe you get procs. Mayyybe you don’t. I have melted people in a second or I have gotten no procs and done no damage. Super fun.

I stopped taking doomwinds so I could take elemental spirits, 2/2 frost witch, and deeply rooted elements, and I seem to have stopped hemmoraging CR to ret teams killing my teammates. I also adjusted my rotation and am seeing extremely increased damage.

Could you elaborate?

I don’t care what happens to enhance until I can join forces with it to unleash beast cleave upon filthy mages once again

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Please our recently super buffed Ret Paladin Brothers, dont let them do this to your shaman friends. Dont fall to the allure of the dark side

it does cost slightly more mana but chain does in my experience at least, more healing more consistently

i couldn’t tell you why, but since the patch i’ve tried surge and i’ve tried chainheal (both focus insight/earthshielded) and surge is just a worse button single target
99% of the time your partner is getting chain heal value too

Imagine having to talent into having less defensives than every other melee.

Meanwhile, ret paladins get everything in the entire game.

We get it veggies enhances requires a phd thats why you’re not r1

warrior brain.

Idk why there’s so many enhance shamans on these forums

You shouldnt be running swelling so that doesnt matter.

Ch is king

Seems the -30% modifier to healing surge just isn’t showing on the tooltip even when you’re in PvP.

So, based on tooltips healing surge looks alot better than it actually is.

Someone call the WAAAAMBULANCE.

I want to call the department of disabilities in your favor being a ret with sub 1k rating