10.1 enhancement shaman nerfs

Maybe enh rework inc!

Tbh every spec in the game needs a complete rework at this point. I actually thought that’s what we’d get for DF but instead they copy pasted everything from SL. Fresh specs add so much more to the game than some stupid ring of power or new zone no one wants to go to.


Yes chain is better with fi and es

Shamanism and thundercharge…

yeah you literally never press surge unless there’s a niche scenario where you’re playing swelling

chain does more single target healing than surge does now

agree with this
it’s a really cool concept, it would be a really cool capstone talent
it feels pretty bad to take an honor talent slot

i think it’ll feel nice with lava lash talents though

yes to the point
no to the selected talents

grounding and static are basically 100% locked in

ride the lightning is way too good and feels really bad to play without most of the time
swelling waves was absurdly good (now you don’t press surge and it’s getting removed)

lust is good w/ lavalash talents basically because nothing else is but it’s deco on demand damage for your warrior or for prim wave haste windows
you also don’t wanna eat your 2set with ride

the stormweaver talent will honestly feel alright in with lava lash talents but will feel pretty bad with stormstrike talents and this talent won’t at all make the healing changes not feel absolutely awful

They can’t be serious w/ this lmao.

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i play ele burst spec and not the rng physical (its proc rate is relatively low for fast paced arena pvp, rng physical needs to track the rng buff with a weakaura, rng ascendance only lasts 6 seconds which is only like 4-6 gcds, AND you have to waste 1gcd for doomwinds which is a melee range spell AND you can’t be in cc is just hectic gameplay); 3m cd ascendance is way too long and requires so much timing (good against noobs, dat’s it)

  • Shamanism increases maelstrom generation with more hits from melee and shorter cds on Stormstrike and Ice Strike, making your wolf burst go a lot stronger
  • Thunderstrike reduces every sham cd (not ur trinket) including Stormstrike, Feral Spirit/Primordial Wave, and ur def Astral Shift

what is the rng buff?

if anything that specs more rng

did you proc a hothand? no? ok
did you get a fire wolf on your hot hand? no? ok
did you get nature wolves? yeah? that sucks go next bro

don’t get me wrong the damage lava can do is absurd
150k ebs 150k lavalashes 100k aoe frostshock hits

but it’s completely rng and ur healing falls even farther off a cliff
it has great matchups and bad matchups forsure

this is so fried you’re shaving maybe 1 second off either of these in that 10 second window once a minute lmao

there’s not many better options for lava but this isn’t good reasoning

if it functions the way it did all of bfa and sl it’s also bugged and double buffs the shaman (7 seconds off every button per use vs partners 3 seconds off)

I play the elemental builds for enhance also, and I don’t really worry about my lava lash damage. I mostly focus on the 2 elemental blasts during my go window since those will do a base 120k damage, regardless of what wolves I get (naturally higher with crits).

That being said, I’m definitely trash tier, as I managed to fight my way up to 1695 and now I’m never recovered from my 300 CR loss after conquest cap was lifted lol. Are you saying that the elemental builds should be more focused on lava lash?

this is Blizzard’s fault, the tooltip doesn’t show what actually happens. it actually reduces sham cds by an extra 7 seconds within that 10 seconds (don’t know how fast that is perceptually but that looks like a buff to me)

so it can reduce ur Astral Shift by 14 seconds if used twice within a minute, making it a 75s cd. seems decent to me

i can’t say more, don’t want to expose enh sham and get it more nerfed than it already is in 10.1

it was bugged for a very very long time, it hasn’t been a good talent since static field was introduced basically in mid SL but up through at least that point it double dipped on the shaman

it reduces every cd by 3 seconds per use, 7 on the shaman
games aren’t typically long enough for that to be good though
shaving 7 seconds off grounding/healing stream is good

but lust on your and your warrior on either his roar window or your primwave window is just so much more valuable with how fast the game is

lava lash is your primary damage source if you’re playing that build yeah, hot hand windows are extremely strong but obviously very RNG
in an ideal world you’re getting 1-2 fire wolves a hothand proc and you have primwave ready to go for the 30-50% haste buff so you can spam lava lash without needing a half global between in the hothand window

elemental blast being buffed by all 3 wolves is good and the only consistent thing about the build but if thats the only thing you’re playing around you’re gonna lose a lot

but icestrike and hailstorm spends are important
during frost wolves you could easily see 100k frostshock crits (cleaving btw)

really just matters that you take advantage of either the fire wolf or the ice wolf while it’s up on top of the eleblasts

Well, I definitely started losing a lot now, so that’s true. I use the ice strike windows pretty well (as far as I can tell), but I definitely don’t use lava lash to what it should be it seems.

I really want to make the physical build work, but I just can’t seem to get it right. And now with all these healing nerfs, I’m getting more and more demotivated with the spec D:

Become a pink freak or perish

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guess so!

How so? Apparently I didn’t get the memo. Last I checked it did less healing single rarget and costs more mana.

I must be missing something so please explain this to me.

What’s fi and es?

Edit: nm, focused insight and earth shield. Derp.

Still wanna know how chain heal is performing better.

I’m also interested in the break down here. Remi, save us D:

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It’s my fault. My enhance hit 70 an hour before these notes went live. Just trying to find something to play besides monk next patch and I screwed a bunch of enh mains. I’m sorry guys.

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How dare you!

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In PvP, the tooltip for healing surge is still a bigger heal than the tooltip for chain heal. It’s closer than in PvE, but my healing surge still is a few k bigger single target over chain heal. Plus chain heal doesn’t benefit from swelling waves.

Focused insight and Earth Shield should benefit both.

Is something bugged or not showing correctly on the tooltip?

correct 10char