(10.0.7 Spoilers) blizzard what are you doing to Baine

How’d Derek’s remains even survive like two decades under the sea? Were the crabs just not hungry those decades?

But if Derek never happened, Calia wouldn’t have a Nathanos of her very own. So it all works out for the best. :star_struck: :kissing_heart: :face_vomiting:


I am guessing Blizz would say he was stowed away in some container, hell I dunno. It didn’t make sense to me either.

Sure, I understand that. Garrosh 2.0 worked out exponentially worse than the original. But those war crimes still exist. Teldrassil is still burnt down. Darkshore is under Horde control.

There’s not a warmonger at the head, but to say there it makes no sense for further aggression is absolutely silly.

Not only did he survive for 20 years under the see and looks fresher than a brand-new forsaken corpse, but he was also incinerated by dragon fire and then fell into the sea.

It is just standard Blizzard story telling.


The entire point of DF is moving beyond this because the wars were stupid and nonsensical. Like per the lore Alextraza pointedly asked that war not be brought to the shores of the Dragon Isles and there simply isn’t a point in pursuing it since:

  1. None of the horde leaders are interested in a war with the alliance at this time.
  2. The alliance isn’t really in a position to prosecute a war.
  3. Tyrande is just done with the whole idea of war with the horde.

Maybe at some point in the future the writers can come up with a compelling reason for a 5th war but I’m honestly hoping it’s a long ways off.

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Sure, aggression on small scale skirmishes as has been the case throughout the non-forced conflict expansions definitely.

Tyrande has already refused orders to go at the Horde before (though with recent events she may be more peaceful), but I could easily see Genn starting things also.

Individual groups causing conflict and skirmishes, certainly, but outright faction war? It makes no sense.

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These are the two that could easily restart it.

Also DF - “Kill each other for these items to turn in for a weekly quest” :smiley:

I am just saying the 1-4th Wars were actually pretty good stories throughout the history of the franchise. If Sylvanas was trying to fight for the Forsaken to avoid the grizzly fate she saw when she impaled herself on the saronite, and not the crapchute we got, that would have been such a compelling and good story.

Bad writing makes it hard to want it, but there’s plenty of good reasons to carry the war on.

I suppose it just depends on the writers. Genn and Turalyon wanting to reclaim lands up north could lead to war. The way Tyrande ended the whole thing was as lackluster as Sylvanas herself.

Also forgot about Danath Trollbane. A lot of the Alliance humans are former Lordaeronians. Such as Halford Wyrmbane.

Just played it on the PTR. I’ve always defended Baine, because he had a “moral backbone” and tried to be more levelheaded than warmongers like Garrosh and Sylvanas, but… imho, this seems very out of character for him, it’s too much emotion and hatred in my opinion. Being biased and wary, that I understand.
But pulling an Anakin Skywalker and slaughter an entire camp?

I mean, I wanted character development for him, maybe a magic spiritual warrior - but I’m not sure what this questline wants to accomplish. We haven’t really seen him struggle with centaurs on a personal level so far, so… Baine hating these centaurs (who don’t even know him before) so passionately doesn’t really sit well with me. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I know it’s not what people want, but at least it makes sense. While they aren’t the same as the Centaur back in Mulgore, it shows the struggle dealing with hatred and suffering the scars of war, specifically the crimes of genocide they endured.

I’m beautiful. waggle

The first two ~hell, even the third~ were vayring from fine to good, but the fourth sucked since Sylvanas was more interested in dumb villain moves then actually achieving anything and the alliance got what was effectively the sloppiest of BJs.

Like everything that you wanted to do with a war story that has two opposing player factions was already done in MoP and done better.

Maybe at some point in the future the writers will be able to make something more deep and nuanced then the 4th war but I’m just beyond the point of caring about HVA. And by all accounts a lot of players are too, since there are more people interested in cross faction gameplay and the potential for cross faction guilds then there are clamoring for another war story.

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Ultimately the best part of the 4th war was the start of it. After that, it was pretty bad. I liked how it began, but its progression into Saturday Morning Villain antics just ruined it.

I mentioned it in the past and I’ll do it again: It would have been so much better if the fires at the tree had been caused by Genn for the express purpose of kicking off a war that would let him get revenge for his son and kingdom and he knew that was the kind of tradgedy it would take to get the alliance to go all in.

For extra fun you can have the full reveal a ways into the expansion so that the players who were over the moon with their levels of self righteousness realize that they got played.

Best of all is that you don’t even have to change Sylvanas or her actions, she’s still the jailers doop, still killing people with dumb villain logic and perfectly happy to play along because it serves her purpose.

That would be just as idiotic as Blizzard’s writing. Why would Genn commit genozid on the very people, who saved him and his people?
He doesn’t like the Horde for obvious reasons, just look at Gilneas, however him not liking the Horde doesn’t automatically make him a genocidal maniac just like Garrosh or Sylvanas.

Granted, Garrosh is still more sane than Sylvie. :sweat_smile:

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The issue is the 1st & 2nd war the Orcs were under the influence of the demon blood, that they were tricked into drinking by their leaders, so it wasn’t until the 3rd war that they were themselves, and then of course we come into the forced conflict warmonger warchiefs.

True, I could easily see Genn and Turalyon causing another by trying to reclaim the north, and honestly for me that would feel the least forced out of the WoW wars. Unlike bad leaders chosen for giving them a chance because of her their father was and by manipulation of a dying leader who are soley there to force conflict, Genn would want to reclaim his lands, and as said there are still Lorderon remnants that would want to reclaim their original lands as well, and so a conflict over the north would feel organic and true.

That said I personally still feel there are better ways they could take the story away from perpuating a conflict that has been tired, old and forced until now, but that at least would not feel completely forced.

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I agree recent incidents feel hamfisted, but at least we can agree an organic, seamless reason for conflict to exist being presented is fine too.

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Simple: Genn hates sylvanas so much that he decides to go all in on it. For funzies, you can even throw in some old god whispers but ultimately it’s a decision he made to force the war into action.

Also Garrosh was sane, he was just an Donkey-portal manlet with massive daddy issues that believed violence was the solution to all lifes problems.

Forget the crabs… water pressure in Azeroth’s oceans would be insane given its 3 times higher rate of gravity, a human body isn’t surviving at those depths much less a body that’s waterlogged and environment damaged as things tend to get when left in water that long. Derek would absolutely have needed the Nathanos treatment where they take the person’s soul and shove it in someone else’s freshly killed body…

Like,if I was going to push for a war under the current circumstances, the most obvious rout would be the Na’aru showing up determined to Convert the populace to their service like what happened in AU Draenor, with Turalyon and Velen bing their pawns with the horde’s membership being more leary about trusting agents of the greater forces (what with how it’s consistently led to disaster).

And as we know: The light does not care much about consent.

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