I have no idea what you’re trying to say.
Historically, this has been a valid assertion of compromise used by the west. While the east DOES NOT CARE REALLY, the western people has always said that same exact thing to justify why some stuff gets done and some stuff doesnt.
It is always a version of “that is a valid military target” or “that is not a valid military target”. Taurajo was a valid military target, yes.
However you are taking it out of context. There was a conceptual error, one that Baine may or may not be canonically aware of, but he says no civilians were killed there, and they fled.
It is possible he does know what WE DO if we did the quest there, that civilians were killed. And it is also possible that he believes some Alliance dogs saying they let the civilians go.
Thank you. I was confused but now I know you’re this type of poster. I’m just going to put you on ignore. Nothing personal but I don’t engage with people that post weird crap like this.
I find it amusing that a thread about a questline with Baine going ham on some centaurs after sitting on his butt all of Shadowlands somehow warped into a another pointless back and forth about Taurajo.
Stay classy WoW Forums.
Likewise. People who cant take commentary wont really be interesting to read.
So what is not classy about talking about lore on the GD?
In a few hours my sub will end, so I won’t be able to discuss about this topic much more. I would say the situation is at least not as bad as the way night elves were written over the last couple of years, but it is certainly understandable why some players are annoyed by the way Baine is written.
So I can only repeat myself at this point.
I think the best thing to do would be to remove Baine from the Horde. He seems to feel miserable there anyway. No reason to force a character into a faction, just because he’s a Tauren. Race shouldn’t be more important than the character and I feel like in this case Baine is just out of place.
Let him join the Alliance or let him travel with Anduin across Azeroth, whatever, but I think it might be time for a new Tauren leader within the Horde.
I really like the idea of letting him travel with Anduin. Forever.
Probably that the focus of the conversation should be on Baine and/or the writing of the questline instead of the Taurajo thing, which is both old news and a tired discussion at this point. I’ll add that it’d be nice to see more people discuss stuff from the meta perspective instead of in-character.
That’s not the point
Where was this during BFA and Shadowlands
Cause in BFA he was like “noo don’t hurt Anduin and Jaina :(”
And in Shadowlands he was like “I got thrown off a cliff :(” and then when his bully Sylvanas was off asleep/coma after Sanctum of Domination he goes “we shouldn’t wake her up she’s mean >:(”
In the books he held Sylvanas at her throat cause she mocked him
Where was this in the past two expansions? Where he got soft against Sylvanas
But was able to go bull rage mode for centaurs that weren’t even involved in the Bloodhoof Genocide??
Obviously people are not tired of the Taurajo thing or they wouldn’t keep replying to me about it.
Also, when you talk about Baine, that’s eventually going to come up because it’s the first and biggest example of how stupid that character is.
He wasn’t even brave enough to say that. He said “maybe we shouldn’t wake her up.” I just wish that one time they would have him say something of substance. “Don’t wake her up.” That would have been assertive and shown backbone. “Maybe we shouldn’t wake her up” is a passive aggressive question.
This. I worry at seeing people go “well they finally did something with him!!” because “doing something” with a character still carries the requirement of making sense and being well-written. What we’ve seen so far would be like grabbing Maiev Shadowsong and making her become a shaman; it’d make no sense for her but hey, at least we’re doing something with her amirite?
From the Jaina book, page 88:
As it said in the quote before, many (not all) escaped. One civilian not escaping through the opened line does not mean the opening wasn’t there, and most did.
So yes, doing both sides in Cata where it very that expansion was very much designed to have to do both sides to see the full story is important and is why it is said.
And everything we are given comments that the Alliance general did the most he could do in the war situation on an admitted valid military target, including Horde leaders saying so.
Also as to the ‘ballistas at mulgore’:
It wasn’t one civilian and you can post on a tauren all you want but I see your Alliance main shining through.
Omusa was a flight master.
Yonada was a trade skill vendor.
Dranh taught skinning.
Krulmoo taught leather working.
The majority of Camp T was civilians so if someone died there, it’s a good chance it wasn’t a soldier.
But the funny thing is, that doesn’t even matter. I’m fine with the faction war and I’m fine with one faction attacking another. My rants haven’t even been about any of that.
My main point way back in post two is after every thing his people went through in situations like Camp T, Baine has always welcomed humans with open arms. No questions asked. But when he meets a group of centaurs that had nothing to do with the slaughter of his people, he automatically goes into aggression mode? The green dragon flight is working with these guys. The Champion of Azeroth (us) is working with these guys. But… that’s not good enough for Baine. He has to go full idiot right off the bat cause “lol cEnTaUrS aNd tAuReN”.
It’s bad writing.
Talking about something you dont took the time to understand is funny … to others, of course.
Ok. ppl dont need to go the extra mile and prove my point right after I made it.
I was hoping Bain was actually going to do something great, very disappointing. Never get to see Bain go mad cow murder machine hero.
I would be happy with Baine just not saying or doing something stupid.
Not an Alliance main, just someone who has played both sides since BC, enjoys the lore and is tired of seeing inaccuracies around Taurajo because of people only seeing the Horde questing side of it. There are casulties in war, there are people that will refuse to leave their home even if it is about to be attacked/flooded/other cause that will destroy it, some having died does not change that most escaped because of the deliberately opened lines.
This I completely agree with, as others have said before, he knows of the Grimtotem, and that not every group of a species is a good, or bad as the others.
And as said, both the dragons, and the champion who has canonically rescued him twice (from Sylvannas and the Jailer) as well as helped him rescue Darek from Sylvannas vouches for the ones helping him, and that they have their own renegade group (such as the Grimtotem)
And yet we get what we have.
What it feels like to me is they read the feedback from players about Baine and they said “oh snap we need to make Baine a badass so just, I dunno, write something where he’s mad about something.” And then someone else said “Oh I know centaurs! Taurens hate centaurs!”
I could start liking Baine if they would put in a quest where he walks up to Magatha and snaps her neck. All would be forgiven.