1,000 tenders earned a month is not enough

I’m at 10k from not buying anything I want

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I’m at 9k, saving it up for the relevant stuff.
They release too many things you wear just once and throw it away while releasing the more important parts as FOMO content, which should be actual available (MoP Remix weapon/armor recolors from the former trading post items).


Agreed with you OP but I think we’re supposed to make choices among the rewards.

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Good for you!

Because Blizzard is kindly providing a variety of options.

Would you prefer less options?

Personally, I prefer more.


March 2023:
Pandarian Monk (pet) 650 tenders

June 2023:
Buzzworth (battle pet) 600 tenders

September 2023
Slyvy (battle pet) 650 tenders

December 2023:
Mitzy (battle pet) 600 tenders
Garrlok (battle pet) 750 tenders

March 2024
(no pet/battle pet)

June 2024:
Marriok (battle pet) 500 tenders

So a 600 tender cost is NOT new or lately.

All of this information is available on Wowhead for those who are interested in facts over perception.


This is the first time I’ve ever actually run out of tender. I’ve always had enough to get everything I wanted, which isn’t usually a lot.

First time I ever had to debate and make a decision. I’ll be able to afford the other couple things I want just doing this months stuff but it was a surprise.

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A single bikini yellow ensemble: 650

The blue variant, piecemeal cause it doesn’t exist as an ensemble: 710

A single mount: 700-800

Allocation: 1000

Miscellaneous; ton of random varying things.

Yeah, we are really not being provided with great options here


It is definitely odd how they completely backtracked on the original philosophy of “The endcap reward should be the coolest thing each month”. That hasn’t been true for a while now.


it hasnt been true since januarary. coincedence that was when bobby left I THINK NOT.

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At the very least they should give us an option to buy Tokens, either with in-game Gold or as a Service with real money

I’d agree with you if the cost of things haven’t been going up.
Mounts were 450~ before now they’re 600 usually for example
Theyre stealthily doing it while adding tender to bundles on the store. If they’re gonna do it at least mask off already and sell tenders on the store.


Honestly the bigger problem is why is a freaking pet as expensive as a mount? lmao
they should be half that.


HELLO transmog sister.


Twintails best hair bestie

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right on murloc inflatable twin hair sister! floatie POWER!


The false scarcity and fear of missing out is gripping people by the throat.

The next step is more cash shop tenders.


The pet is not as expensive as the mounts.

June 2024 mounts
Pearlescent Goblin Wave Shredder: 700 tenders
Riding Turtle: 700 tenders

June 2024 pet:
Marrlok: 500 tenders

The pet is 200 tenders cheaper than the mounts.

Again facts over perception.

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Did you even read? I do not expect to get everything. I’m looking at it mathematically. You’re talking about nearly 7 months of tender cost generated in a single month. Shoot just 2 items can easily cost more than you earn in a month. You’re just being a butt about the whole thing and putting words in my mouth.

The mounts were 700 a piece…

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Yes, I read that.

Then you…

… did calculations assuming everything as the baseline amount in your calculation, making it clear that was where your head was at.

And your head continues to be.

Here’s some math for you:


So even if you can only afford one thing from the Trading Post, that is still one more thing than you had before for doing nothing but logging in and going about your usual play.

Gratitude, as opposed to greed, is the appropriate response to a gift horse.

I am being critical of you analysis because it banks on getting everything being the baseline when nothing, zip, zero is the baseline.

The math isn’t faulty, the thinking behind it is.

Thank you for the correction.

I will change it in my post.

:ice_cream: for you!

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Blizzard want(ed) to sell tenders for $ earlier on, people whined and they only tie it to other purchases now. They know what they’re doing (And why everything costs so much), you can’t get everything (Which is fine) but the idea and implementation was to milk whales and those with poor spending habits while the normal users reap the end rewards as a result. Defending this and acting like it’s not abusive towards the consumer is weirder than people making a stink about not being able to get everything lol

It’s not rocket science, it’s why (now largely deprecated) loot boxes and season passes are so effective and cheap. Similar concept, different flavor.


Yeah, I really don’t buy much every month and getting everything I wanted this time around would’ve left me with 500 or so. Gonna have to put off a lot of items until next year.

The funny thing is even with TP included in bundles there’s not really enough if you have even a moderate interest in a few items every month.

Yeah, making the monthly reward a toy that would have cost ~200 tenders at most instead of the 700 tender surfboard is pretty frustrating. Like the OP I understand that we aren’t meant to get everything (and frankly, I never want everything), but it’s getting a little much.

On a side note, I’m actually glad we have a monthly reward up on the shop now. I’m still really upset I missed the Bloodhunter set and I’d pay for that in a heartbeat tbh.

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