1,000 tenders earned a month is not enough

This month alone has 6,610 worth of items added. I’m not even saying I want all the items. This is just ridiculous. Blizzard, please recalculate how you want this to play out. This month alone would require someone that wants all the items to collect almost 7 months worth of tenders, but the kicker is, you only get a month to buy them and then you have to pray you see them in the post again later because not all items loop.

Edit for clarification:
I am not saying that we should be able to buy every item in a month. However, we should be able to buy a few. As it stands now, 2 “bigger” items is more than 1 month of tenders.


To be fair, we were never meant to be able to afford all items, but i do wish they’d go back to the monthly free item being a big ticket item like a mount, having to fork out for the mounts each month is the big killer.


I just posted about the trading post too. Don’t we get 500 tenders for being subbed and then 1000 can be earned? I think Blizz has shorted me 350.


The engineering is nearly complete. Probably sometime during tww or around the launch of the expac after that we’ll see tendies slide into the cash shop along with further improvements to the trading post that lets you freeze more items at once.


They do seem to be gradually upping the cost of stuff

Its lame


lol I forget the trading post exists most times I have almost 6k tender right now.

And nothing I’ve seen is really enticing me for June


:moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag:
I wish I had that much!


Yea, I’m sitting at 9k myself cause there’s never anything really worth buying most of the time.


I think they’ll probably stick to their word in terms of selling them outright for cash, but they’ll probably use them to sell other items, like mount+1000 tender, pet+1000 tender, mog item+1000 tender.


Some items do come back another month. So I pick what I want the most and freeze one if I still want it but don’t have enough. Then hope the other items I had to skip will show up eventually.

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What’s the fun in getting everything all the time?


I zeroed out my tenders this month since there was so much I wanted. I might be minorly annoyed if next month is the same but as long as the items come back it doesn’t bother me all too much.

Surfboard thing should have been the monthly reward, so we would have had more wiggle room with our tender.


My issue with it isn’t that you can’t get everything, you never could and were never meant to. However, I have felt for months now that they’ve changed two things:

  1. Items feel like they are more expensive or deliberately broken down (in the case of appearance sets) to a piece-by-piece purchase, or we see a plethora of pricey items and only the dedicated monthly recolor items as cheaper items. So you went from being able to get 3-5 items to 1 or 2.
  2. The monthly rewards were supppsed to be bigger items that many players would want. The water gun toy, watch wrist mog, single pair of butterfly wing back mog etc., are all neat ideas, but are they really items that many players would have elected to spend tender on if they were in the shop and not the reward?

You, and everyone else, are not entitled to everything.

You are entitled to the what your 500 just-for-logging-in a month tenders plus whatever you earn up to another 500 tenders a month plus whatever amount of tenders you might have saved from previous months.

Please stop trying to make ‘everything’ the baseline.

‘Nothing’ is the baseline and it only goes up from there.

So instead of nothing, with the Trading Post and 1000 possible tenders, you can purchase a variety of items and have several somethings, several somethings you would not have had before.

And it is all just for playing the game. No extra hoops to jump thru.

If folks keep assuming ‘everything’ is the baseline, Blizzard is just going to stop giving people options.

What is ridiculous is grown-:peach: adults being unable to control their greed and make meaningful choices in a video game.

I can’t imagine how stymied they must spend their real life.


You get 500 tenders just for logging in and can earn up to 500 more tenders during the month thru normal play.


Because the flying mount last June was 900 tenders and the flying mount this June is 700 tenders.

Because the ground mount last June was 800 tender and the ground mount this June is 700 tenders.

Maybe have a look for yourself. Wowhead is an excellent source. The types of items go up or stay the same or go down each month, depending on what the item actually is.


i had that much BEFORE i bought all this summer swag.

I feel like I have enough fun just getting the pets, because that’s all I really need.

But the ratio is still kinda low. I’m already not buying mounts most of the time. And I don’t like many of the transmogs. But if I want to buy just one or two mogs, my ability to buy the pet suffers because it can be as much as 600 lately. That’s insane. The mount is the big ticket item. Give that up and you should feel pretty rich to get the other selections.

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I HAD like 1565 and now I’m down to around 350 or something and I couldn’t even get the mount. So, I had to freeze it until next month :frowning:

Blizzard: we listened to ur feedback and we’ll now give you 1050 tenders a month


Agreed. Considering there are significantly more items in the post now vs when it was added, 1k doesn’t feel near enough anymore. There is so much I want this month, but won’t have enough for most of it, even if I freeze something. Hoping they add some sort of trading post even that gives you an extra 500 or 1000.