10.0 Wishlist 2.0

There’s approximately zero overlap in MMORPG fans and current wow players. I think they could both exist. If I could take my 16 years of accomplishments with me into a game like that, even better. The baggage is one of the biggest reasons I still play modern wow.

Incorrect. I began playing WoW in 2004. TBC is still my favorite expac. I won’t be playing classic TBC, because I’ve already played it. I also enjoy retail.

Classic TBC, Wrath, MoP and retail will split the pool of players 5 ways. Each will feel worse because of it.


You’re very unique then. Have you tried BCC? I said something very similar until I tried it once, and it all came back. I 100%d BC back in the day. Got it all, there’s nothing I could do that wouldn’t be something I’ve done before, and I’m more excited for Tuesday than I have been for any expansion launch in the last decade.

They need to get back to fixing the core issues of this game. They are so busy trying to deal with nonsense on the outer edges that they can’t even balance their own game.

SWTOR is more balanced and has been around for less time. Little fixes like this would go a long way and you think a business would understand that.

Like talking to a wall.

“Ok guys so we have to fix some core stuff in our game but it will be better for our future.”

Seriously that is the only thing that needs to be done and revenue will go up for them.

It’s not rocket science.


WoW 2.0 would literally be what we have now except there’d be another difficulty ontop of the current difficulties we have and then they’d make M0-M5 as easy as Heroic dungeons and we’d be sitting here saying

Why have Normal and Heroic at all?

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I have an idea I think that would add a social aspect to WoW, but I have to mention another game to explain it.

In City of Heroes/Villains/Going Rogue, you had a guild system called a Super Group, BUT, they also had something called an “Alliance”

Basically it was a guild for up to 10 SGs at once; in WoW they could rename this into something like an Allegiance or something like that.

Add some minor ‘Allegiance’ bonuses like guild bonuses (They stay the same no matter how many guilds you have in it). So if someone likes their guild but wants to hang out with their friends, they can easily make that Allegiance so that way multiple guilds or a guild with multiple ‘facets’ can all work together.

Not only would this be a boon to Roleplayers, but also for various raiding guilds, and would bring social aspects so an Allegiance can feel like a guild and have a community.



Dont give me that, “huuru BUt ThEY CaNt bALAnCE THieR SpECS YEt”

Balance will never truly happen. Screw that elitist min maxer mind set.

This game needs new lasting evergreen content and you cant do that without introducing new permanent features.

Classes are the lenses we view this game in. We need a new class with a fresh theme.

Tinker is the best candidate as there is yet to be a tech class and everyone else has covered practically every form and school of magic and martial ability.

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10.0 just released.

Blizzard receives : All of your money
You receive : BfA 3.0

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People doing LFR isn’t what doesn’t make it a MMO. You can still go do other stuff if being with other people in a lower difficulty is not MMO enough for you. But it doesn’t make it not a MMO. Hell you can still travel to the instances and have to on higher difficulties. Play to what works for you.


Nope. :poop:

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I just want an expansion that doesnt consist of patches that cannibalize the prior content. I want everything in said expansion to matter the entire cycle.

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Nope it won’t but gamers notice how horrid of a job they’re doing and it’s obvious they don’t care. They’ve got other priorities like giving humans more eyebrow options or something (just used that as an example) and their lack of care simply shows.

Gladiator Spec, plz. I don’t even play a Warrior but I will gush about this.

A certain person at blizzcon said they recognize and hear us on this borrowed power stuff.

Guess what they did?

Gave us a ton of borrowed power.


10.0 Wishlist

In no particular order…

  • Much less focus on temporary systems and borrowed power.
  • More focus on the base classes and the different specializations available. Fix design flaws and other shortcomings that might be present.
  • A re-evaluation on whether some class(es) might need a spec added, due to a part of their fantasy not being present. Ex. Add a modern version of old(WotLK - WoD) Survival back to the hunter class, as a 4th spec.
  • Reduce/remove class-specific utility that is just passive boosts to damage(some class buffs). Keep situational utility like Stampeding Roar, Warlock Gates, etc.
  • No more shoving players into doing content that they don’t like, just so that they can do what they like. Ex. Weekly grind runs of Torghast for Soul Ash to craft multiple Legendary items, needed for other content. Or Island-farming in BfA so that players can use top-difficulty Azerite-items.
  • Stop throttling players ability to utilize game functions in a way that they themselves want to. Ex. Conduit Energy limiting your ability to play your class, especially if you’re playing a hybrid class in several types of content.
  • Bring back an updated version of the old Glyph-system we had that wasn’t just about visuals. Make this be the main-system for ways to tinker with your characters, both while leveling, but especially at max level. Allow players to use glyphs to modify certain core abilities and utility to fit better with their desired type(s) of content.
  • Don’t timegate flying, or lock it behind content patches. Make players level up their character(s) and explore the new areas of an expansion and with that, allow them to fly in these areas, done.
  • Remove World Quests, or at least revamp them into where you pick 1 specific area of a zone to do a short questchain that somehow connects to the story arch of that zone or the new expansion, and make that into the “daily” chore. If players want to do more of them, great, but make World Quests more interesting and engaging, make them more relevant to the story development.

Hunter-specific things

  • Do a partial re-work to Beast Mastery so that it can actually bring some situational strengths again. Along with more thematically defining choices for players to make.
  • Like I said above, bring back a modern version of old(WotLK - WoD) Survival back to the hunter class, as a 4th spec.
  • Allow Hunters to swap pet-specs again(Ferocity, Tenacity, Cunning) on individual pets. It makes no sense for them to be locked, they aren’t actually family-themed anyway.
  • Return visible Quiver-models, and possibly visible Ammo-pouches as well. Give hunters a cosmetic equipment-slot to put those in, similar to Shirts.

I want 10.0 to feature a music video with Illidan and Khadgar rapping about corn on the cob

I want you to want this too

SL was the end of the world as we knew it. It exploded and then was gone. We walked the walk and talked the talk from Northshire Abbey/Horde starting points up to SL, where at the end of the expansion the world went BOOM.

Players still start as usual; go up to 60 and face the BOOM. After the BOOM, there is the Quiet. It is in the Quiet the New World is formed.

New World starts in patch 10.0

  1. Please remove everything we know today. Make it an open world without borrowed powers. A World with new talents and skills for all classes. A world where we grow slowly but surely; keeping all that we’ve earned with us as we explore the New World; it’s new patches and expansions, wage War, amass wealth, craft things, fight monsters in dungeons and raids; fight each other for spoils; and generally do our thing. Make all content doable both solo and in groups (of any number whatsoever). Whatever you do to accomplish this and however you do it; I’m perfectly okay.

This, but don’t remove World Quests, make them less of a chore, more compelling and fun so instead of being an annoyance they’re an enjoyable collection of neat little quick things to do. I can deal with killing one guy on 5 characters just like I can deal with playing a tortollen mini-game where on multiple characters or doing the Naz’jatar mini-games. In fact those things lightened my day and added significant fun factor to WoW.



Not really a fan of this, had my fill in vanilla on my enhance shaman with crown of destruction being BiS for the whole game. Didn’t feel good, no progression

I agree with this. A long time ago you did have this.

But I do enjoy the time saving aspect of gearing through M+. Still, I’ve always felt as though clearing the challenges should be a thing, a new player shouldn’t be able to completely avoid entire raid tiers

Yep, and make it relevant in endgame as well. Better profession paths, etc

For some classes yes, but for others no. Some classes feel good as builder spender, and that’s ok.

This would be good, but wait times would be bad.

It was good back then, but a difficulty squish would need to result in much faster content releases - something we are all aware is an embarrassing point of failure for the devs.

I would like to see normal difficulty be the initial level. More challenge from the gate forces people to level up, so to speak

Sure, but make the match making actually work so it’s not such a discrepancy amongst papers

Yes, all of this.


That is all

I don’t want to go back to filling up 5 pts into passive stat boosts(which are baked into the specs now) just to reach 1 or 2 capstones that effect how a spec plays, or if you try to mix n match specs, 1 capstone. I much prefer the current system with multiple play style “options”, i just want them to make dead talents better and viable in their own ways so they are actually an option instead of have 1 catch-all talent in each row. There’s a few specs that have options like that, i know they can eventually get there for all of them.