10.0 Wishlist 2.0

MMORPGs will never be social anymore. The new generation is all about instant gratification. No way blizz changes this.


They don’t matter. Ion has stated on the record multiple times that they don’t want them to matter; they want the item level (power) to be the biggest factor in deciding if something is an upgrade, and with every classes primary stat (which is a direct, linear function of item level) being 300% as strong as any secondary stat, they’ve achieved that goal.

And yes, the chance to hit is an rpg stat. Having a complex stat allocation is bread and butter for an RPG, and the entire premise of this change is to take WoW away from MMO lobby game and back to social RPG.

Which is a great thing. Having better gear should in always make you better, that is the bread and butter for a RPG. Having such strong secondary stats in BFA was horrible.

So how is having a chance to miss the side of a barn going to get me to talk to people again?

This is the first point at which I disagreed with you.

If you want some classes to have build options to support more resource management instead of just Arcane Mage, ok cool, that’s fine, options are good and people like different things.

But specs before build/spend largely were not some kind of complex longform mental game every boss fight. Things were just kind of vaguely static and straightforward.

Build/Spend is at least slightly more interesting with ups and downs. People talk as if most/all specs having resource generation is somehow bad. It’s not. It’s not a specific enough concept to be an example of homogenization, even. It’s such a basic idea. It’s not like Holy Paladin plays the same as Elemental Shaman just because Holy builds/spends Holy Power and Ele builds/spends Maelstrom.

As for the concept of ‘Wanding’ or whatever? No. That’s worse than filler. It’s fine to manage resources. Arcane Mages can’t spam Arcane Blast all day and not OoM and that’s fine. But sitting there wanding because the design of the spec doesn’t allow you to maintain a rotation for very long is awful.

In a world where “better” is synonymous with “higher item level”, then why even have other stats?

Because that’s part of what’s missing. RPG elements of the game. I don’t expect you to agree or even understand what’s lost when you boil things down as far as they have been. Wow is a great game, but it’s not an rpg. You don’t talk about your character, if you talk at all, you talk about what you did.

We might as well just scale everyone to the content they are doing, because the way wow is built today, nothing matters. I can’t for the life of me name one piece of gear in modern wow. We don’t even say the names of items anymore, we say stuff like “Low verse mastery pants” or “high haste mastery ring”. Everything is interchangeable. Even people. One 1400 moonkin is indistinguishable from another because the likelihood you’ll ever see them again is abysmal.

Banning anyone that asked for hit back
Felguard and Voidwalker actually being decent tanks like they used to be
Borrowed power system is more like legion artifact system instead of covenants fake choices
Make Chaos bolt great again
Cata Boomkin
hell cata warlock
maybe cata/wrath classes in general?
Tiers sets for m+, PvP and raiding
removal of class buffs or going back to more of a WoD situaltion with them where you had a lof of overlapping buffs between classes
Moar bgs
Glyphs back like wrath
epic questlines for class specific mog and stuff

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I’m the opposite with a lot of the suggestions, I think they should make certain things easier rather than harder. They should know full well that most players are going to replay all the content on alts, so making it a smoother experience overall would welcome it more. And including more casual, nothing-stuff for players to do just for fun with mog/mount rewards.

And I’m also hoping 10.0 includes another covenant-style system. Just remove abilities from them, so their entirely cosmetic, and it’s a great RP idea they could/should explore to more depth. Especially the mini game things for each covenant, make better versions with no locks

what an awful awful list of things. you keep your “wishlist” to yourself and a wish.

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  1. Old talents
  2. No stupid one and done gimmick that won’t be around in 11.0
  3. Gear between difficulty levels and tiers is closer in stats so the initial raids of an expansion aren’t invalidated by last tier, and don’t become a cakewalk before 11.0
  4. Badges let you buy items raw instead of hoping for drops
  5. Flying is achievable day 1

I fixed the entire game, no need to thank me.

What a post and so many ideas I disagree with and must rebut.

You really must have something against the non-mythic players who keep this game afloat don’t you? The gaming world has changed. Things have changed. Adapt or die. I would rather WoW adapt and innovate in good directions than reaching for and implementing old, unpopular systems. I hate to tell you this, maybe you’re young so you don’t know but WoW actually always was the easy mode MMORPG. If you want hardmode I believe Everquest and Ultima are still around. Enjoy getting your corpse looted after you die and your gear taken because you want that real RPG experience.

Bad idea. Being able to switch specializations on the fly is amazing and I never want to give up being able to seamlessly go from tank to healer to dps. Also having been with it for some time I do think that a more simplified approach (maybe not quite as simplified as it is now, but certainly not 60 points to spend kind) like we have now is for the better. Blizzard is awful at balancing classes or anything (cough covenants cough) and the more choice there is the more unbalanced it gets and the harder for them to maintain. The unfortunate truth is also you’ll just have a handful of cookie-cutter builds that are approved and allowed by any raiding guilds and anyone running mythic dungeons. Choice in this regard is an illusion. The only choice you might add is something that cannot have any impact on PvE or PVP content, like a talent that makes you cook twice as much as opposed to a talent that allows you to fish up twice as much or something like that. But that almost goes more in the realm of like a kind of glyph system (glyph system’s minor glyphs did have some good customizations where none of them were so important it was mandatory so you had real choice).

Please no. Again, Blizzard cannot balance stuff. This will just create more unevenness and at the end of the day you’ll still have cookie-cutter acceptable stat amounts and priorities. It’s not good for the game, it’s bad for the players, after more than a decade I don’t want to keep missing. Weapon skills back in the day and hit were interesting, now they’re not. Lots of modern RPGs make do without player alterable hit chances. Also honestly they just add more confusion, more math for the client/servers to do, etc.

What? Why is the gear the point? The content and story should be the point.

No. They ruin the game most launches and don’t make it good until the .2 or .3 patch. Those who return at that point won’t return or stay around if they can’t catch up. You might like playing in the basement alone by yourself but this game needs players to survive. It needs income to pay the devs, to keep the servers on, to increase quarterly profits so activision doesn’t axe development so YOU ever get new content. If this is what you want, you want a game other than WoW. Hope you have fun in whatever you find.

No, no, no. These are all awful examples of content that matters. This is just more stats, more math nerd stuff. No one but a few hardcore DND nerds who should be too upset by the WoW’s lore state to care about it wants more gating of content, wants spell ranks to return. Weird proc trinkets I think are fine though and crafting BiS isn’t entirely problematic although depending on implementation you’re functionally making sure the wealthy class in WoW who may not even give a fig about your RPG purity are the best geared because they have the money to buy the overpriced things on the AH for several hundred thousand gold. Which to me is kind of eh because that’s letting money (including real world via tokens) dictate top power level, at least at the start of the introduction of things and probably for a good 6-12 months or more after.

As to attunements, never again, the raid is the challenge. The extent of attunements I might accept would be discovering the raid entrance and doing a few quests that aren’t gated behind lengthy questlines and take less than an hour or two.

I actually enjoy the way the current system is implemented. It could be improved somewhat but honestly I don’t derive any enjoyment from having to do math or edge of my seat balancing of resources just to complete a dungeon boss with a group. And I don’t enjoy running out of mana and never enjoyed having to wand or getting yelled at because that’s what I was doing due to being oom. Interrupts, observing and fulfilling mechanics, not being bad generally, I think that’s enough stuff to keep track of on boss fights.

I agree with merging dead realms but it’ll never happen. Blizzard makes too much big money off server transfers from people who return or finally give up and move their beloved main and alts to a new realm.

How about not. Casual players keep this game afloat. Many people simply don’t have the time. Trying to force them to go out into the world is not going to bring back the gaming and social reality of 2005 no matter how hard you try. It’s not going to magically remove responsibilities from people now in their 30s and 40s who started in their teens and twenties with plenty of time. The young and old alike will just quit because they have busy lives and can’t be bothered to do this. Now if you merely wanted people to have to discover the entrance first in the world before being able to do this? That I think is more reasonable.

Yeah because it’s suicidal for the game. Say it with me now: in 2004 there were no major social media networks, no discord, MMORPGs offered a way to be social that people now get through parasocial relationships with streamers on twitch. Also again, the time was different, you can’t take the clock back. As to it not being the right direction, you’re flatly wrong, the choice to include this stuff was a great idea and has probably prolonged profits and the life of this game.

Again, because Blizzard will never merge servers you’re condemning people on dead or low pop realms to either pay possibly hundreds of dollars to transfer their characters to an active realm, reroll many characters and start over, or just not raid. Another thing, the WoW community has continued to decline over the years in quality, it’s become more toxic and with Blizzard firing the majority of their GMs that’s never going to change. You’re not going to get back to some ideal way of things where bad behavior causes people to be ostracized and unable to do content.

See above. LFR is a critical tool for casuals and those who just want to play a kind of story-mode. Once again I remind you there are more hardcore MMORPGs waiting for you. WoW was never that.

What’s wrong with the tools we have? Also discord is pretty evil. I already hate the facebook login integration in bnet, why integrate a data siphoning monster into the game? We have something like that, it’s called communities. Curious how you want all this old-school stuff then you want to turn it into this. As to social media, no thanks, I block that stuff at my firewall as it’s toxic and awful. Also they tried twitter integration, almost no one used it. It’s a quirk, no one cares. Do you want people playing the game or in the game and using social media? I just don’t understand this.

Nothing wrong with progression and allowing people to play at the difficulties they desire. I know some guilds that only normal raid, some that only heroic raid and don’t bother to try mythic. Personally I do think they could maybe cut out either normal or heroic and leave just LFR, a middle tier, and mythic.

I’m somewhat confused by this. If it can be applied to any gear why wouldn’t everyone who could encounter pvp have it, why even make it optional? Or is it something you’re saying that would be earned in lieu of gear in pvp? If that’s the case I think that’s also a bad idea as PvPers should be able to earn gear from purely pvp.

I get the feeling this was removed because it kept players not using shiny new armor pieces because of breaking set bonuses which meant they felt they weren’t progressing or acquiring more power which is a key part of Blizzard’s addictive treadmill. Also it does take more design work unless we’re just talking stats. I think some at Blizzard see set bonuses as something to be earned at the high end of raiding and maybe PvP. As long as we have borrowed power systems I kind of doubt set bonuses are a priority. I actually don’t see this as a detrimental suggestion though.

Yet your list of things is designed to excluded tired old veteran players who make up many of my friends and who have lives that prevent them from playing or enjoying the type of game you advocate for despite the fact they otherwise have enjoyed WoW since the advent of changes away from these systems you advocate.

I would take just putting RPG elements back into it. I don’t however like you mean DND style stuff or real old school hardcore gameplay. I mean, creating a world that’s worth questing in, not because you’re forced to but because it’s beautiful and has compelling lore (something Blizzard lacks and something any good RPG requires, math and false choices cannot make up for it). I mean putting in player housing. I mean more player customization so we can actually get closer to playing the characters we want to play (Nightborne have 3 faces, that’s unacceptable). I mean less time gating elements, more enjoyable and fun things. WoW isn’t a hardcore campaign you can finish in a few months, it’s an old game that has to go on living. It needs some fun, it needs better writing, it needs better player choice in customization and representation. It doesn’t need stuff that’s been tried and Blizz either couldn’t make it work or the gaming community as a whole has moved past.


That’s pretty much what I’m talking about. Chasing gamers like you has alienated gamers like me.

In a perfect world, there would be 2 different games for us to enjoy individually. Wow used to be our game, and now it’s yours. Your enjoyment has come at our expense.

I can’t be mad about it anymore. C’est la vie.

Add player housing.


Just casually reading through most of what OP wrote, I can safely assume 90% of what he/she wrote won’t ever happen.

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You got off to a strong start and I was getting ready to agree with you, and then you lost me in the middle. I’d rather have what we have now than what you recommend.


  1. I’m good with this.
  2. I really like this. Also put reforging back in to promote player agency in it.
  3. This is OK.
  4. Agree.
  5. Absolutely. Crafting is almost irrelevant right now. Unless you’re making legendaries – which are too expensive to learn and make for the average crafter – you should be picking herbalist/alchemist on every toon just to get the double-flask buff in raids.

But then …

  1. Absolutely not, if you want this applied with a blanket. I play all classes and specs; I like some to be builder-spenders, some to be rotational and others to be resource management, but RM toons are typically my least favorite. I still want choices here.

  2. I’m OK with getting rid of cross-realm, but that’s it. Not in favor at all of axing teleports. For that matter, bring back Have Group Will Travel for guilds. My time is valuable and I don’t want to look at the same flight path for the five thousandth time.

  3. Nope. As long as you lock story content behind raids, the paying customers deserve to see the story content play out. Instead, cut LFR difficulty to next to nothing, drop the item level of the gear it rewards and have it explicitly be storytime. I’m even for making it solo content with 19 “teammate” bots before I’d agree with getting rid of it. And this is coming from someone who hates running LFR and has only cleared it once on an alt this xpac.

  4. I don’t PvP, do what you want here.

  5. Agree.

  6. Sounds good but if you were to push through all these changes you suggest without compromise, I’d probably drop sub for good.

Catch up helps with alts and the game is already alt unfriendly enough.

LFR is there for people that can’t commit to a schedule. Which is much of the population these days.


Yes. WoW in it’s popularity has attracted too many different types of gamers that want completely different things.

It needs to re-evaluate what kind of game it wants to be and just go. Trying to design the game as a compromise between completely opposite feedback is exactly why retail is in the state it’s in, since the middle of Wrath.

But instead of doing that, they are just going to release classic versions of older xpacs. Which will just kill the game in a different way.

Meanwhile over on the M+ LFD request board…

I think it would be a good thing to rerelease past expansions and just never introduce the changes that retail what it is today. No LFD/LFR/MOBA Specs/etc. The only problem is that each expansion past BC will require more and more “rework” to stay faithful to that design.

The market for wow is only so big. The more it fractures the worse each shard will do.

That’s kinda of the point. The game “these days” is not an MMORPG, and my heartfelt request is for it to become one again. Not necessarily by retrodding familiar ground, but by developing towards that feeling of character over player and community over gameplay.