10.0 WIP Frost Skill Tree feedback

I really like how most of this is set up so far. but there definitely are some issues that other people have brought up.

Issues that i can see:

1: remorseless is way too strong with all of these talents that buff it. gathering storm on live as it is, is already a must-pick because the ability to extend the duration and buff the damage is super strong. combine this with everfrost and biting cold also becoming talents, it just becomes insanely strong. i definitely think that these things need to be tuned back a bit.

2: glacial advance doesn’t seem to be any better when we have often complained about it being a weak talent. we also would lose our amazing 4 piece tier set bonus and not gain it back as a talent. Would it be too strong to have the talent pick of glacial advance also have a passive that is our current 4 piece tier set? (“Consuming Killing Machine fires a Glacial Advance through your target”) frost scythe has a similar issue as well, it’s just a bit weak.

3: the only passive effect in the tree i really don’t like is unleashed frenzy on row 4 which is a conduit right now in shadowlands. it’s a requirement to take if you want to get rage of the frozen champion and frost damage killing machine procs on a sindrag build with this new talent system. the bonus is super low and it’s absolutely awful for sindragosa builds because you will never press frost strike when sindragosa is up, leading to it really just consuming a talent point in order to get to the useful stuff. it honestly feels like a placeholder effect. but that is really the only passive i have an issue with.

i’ve also seen people bring up our lack of strong single target options in our talent tree, which i can definitely agree with. because the argument is “if we’re only good at aoe then we’d not be a good pick for st”. most of our good talents are aoe focused and we don’t really have much of a choice (with the current settup) to go fully into st with really strong options for that, the only options being soul reaper and obliteration, which will lead to us being sub-par in single target fights. i just don’t know what to suggest in order to help alleviate this.

Things i really like being included (either as new concepts or returning in some form):
chillstreak, frost whelps aid, bonegrinder, enduring strength, absolute zero, (shadowfrost dmg) soul reaper, abomination limb, death’s due’s oblit cleave on improved death and decay, empower rune weapon having a potential maximum of 2 charges, optional choice between runic empowerment or runic corruption as a choice and anticipation.

these are really cool. i know that there’s a lot of people complaining right now about this talent concept, but my thoughts are very positive. i don’t think frost’s tree needs an insane amount of work. i think it’s pretty good in this first iteration.

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its just shadowlands systems 2.0 in a talent tree if you like frost dk now it will be the same thing in dragonfglight as most classes will be

I think it’ll be more relatively the same in PvP than PvE. With Chillstreak being an option for PvEers. Outside of that, Frost Welps and enduring strength will be interesting however building out what I feel like I need vs what I want there’s not enough points to have both without gimping yourself elsewhere. Oh also, the double chains and decreased cd on mind freeze.

Most of everything else we already have or are basic stat or dmg buffs to X

Will of the necropolis is great, as well.

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Wanted to make a build to replicate MoP/WoD 2h frost but talents encourage the obliterate spam playstyle instead. I don’t want more runes, I want bigger hits even if that means I have downtime.


chill streak and bitting cold will make frost dk an aoe cleave monster for pve and it will be fun in pvp a cleave machine.

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Yeah it should be pretty strong. Absolute zero returning as a talent is really nice too.

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this is why frost dk mite be my main it depends on what they do with hunter and shaman but ill play all 3.

Frost dk will stay as my main.


i play many classes i got 7 60’s i enjoy playing classes and pvping more then playing wows end game…lol.

Remorseless getting giga buffed by easy to get talents just makes it too good not to use

I think they need to tone it down a bit tbh

Yeah gathering makes it ridiculous

Gathering Storm is strong because not only it’s an integral part of a Rolling RW (A build that may or may not be overtuned), but the other options are simply terrible. Glacial Advance is awful in comparison to Epidemic as well as Hypothermic Presence is basically a waste of a talent slot.

GA slot is a lot more optional in DF and with current iteration I doubt it will be picked.

Just in case that people may think that Rolling RW build will be busted (Everfrost, GS, Biting Cold), along with supplemental passives such as Frostwhelps, Enduring Strength and Bonegrinder. Do keep in mind that we lose tierset bonuses (Crit during RW and GA proc per KM) as well as other conduit bonuses (and covenant abilities to scale with since DD gives as much strength as FC).

I think Rolling RW build will be fine. It is a strong build right now but BoS is currently better and Obliteration is… Obliteration and is done dirty in DF as expressed here.

Frostscythe might see a return and may be worth picking once more. I do agree that the left side of the tree being locked by Unleashed Frenzy kinda sucks. Really hope I can path up from Bonegrinder.

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You cant move up. Talents are unlocked by talents before it, not after it.

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Glacial needs a serious buff. They could make it a great spender if they just tune it a bit, honestly.

Would be easier for them to replace the current glacial pick with our current 4pc bonus.

I don’t personally want that because I crave a satisfying rp spender, and glacial could easily serve that purpose if they juice it up and raise the cost a tiny bit to 50 or so. Make it the in-between for ST and AOE.

There probably should be a hex talent to improve GA’s usage. Either use it like a 4pc tier set or remove its CD making it equivalent to Epidemic.

Or heck, maybe a 3rd option to drastically change GA.

Also remember that we will get Chill Streak as another form of RP dump once in 45 seconds (i think)

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Seems like the best solution to make everyone happy tbh. I can’t argue with this.

I’m not looking to take chill streak due to how far off on the right side of the tree it is, sadly.

I’d take it if i get the option of keeping my current 4pc from my tier set

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