10.0 Most Wanted Features!?

Well some of those hero ideas could be class skins or something. Like archdruid could be more powerful looking spells but its all just visual.

Sort of like the master skins in Heroes of the Storm.

I’ll just copy and paste my current wish list from another thread:

-Ogres as a playable Horde race :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

-Saurok as a playable Horde race :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

-San’layn as a playable Horde race :wine_glass::bat:

-Saberon as a playable Alliance or Horde race :cut_of_meat::tiger2:

-Kelfin as a playable Horde race :japanese_goblin::trident:

-Sethrak as a playable Alliance or Horde race :snake:

-Dark Rangers as a customization option for Blood Elves :bow_and_arrow:

-Necromancers either as a class or a class skin for Warlocks :skull:

-More character slots per account for Retail

About all I can think of currently for what I want to see became a reality someday. :smiley:


That’s fair. I definitely agree with that. I honestly think covenants would have been a hit if they were purely cosmetic, you could switch freely between them and carry over renown. No abilities or power at all.


Love these. Hopefully someday I will have an Ogre Rogue like Dagg, or Saurok shaman, or san’layn druid, or kelfin druid/mage,


Ogre monk: because they can drink Pandas under the table!

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Warlock class for all playable races. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

Pink hair color for all races. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

Burgundy hair color for Blood Elves. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

Unique character customizations for Blood Elves to add back the uniqueness that was lost from how many of our character customizations that were shared with Void Elves. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

Playable San’layn and playable Dark Rangers either as a separate Allied Races or customizations for Blood Elves. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

Hairstyle options for Vulpera. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

More skintones for Nightborne including pink, red, brown. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

More hair colors for Nightborne and more saturated versions of most of the ones we have currently. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

More eye colors for Nightborne including pink, purple, yellow and blue. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

Pink eye color for Gnomes. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

Tails for Worgen. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

Updated Paladin mount for Blood Elves. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

Druid class for Blood Elves. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

Monk class for Worgens and Goblins. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

Paladin class for Night Elves. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

More than just one eye color for both Lightforged Draenei and Draenei. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

There’s more than likely more than this but it’s all I could think of while I’m baking so yeah that’s all for now. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


I agree! Someone made this fanart of this Grimtotem Shaman character turning into a warlock and I just love it. Wish Tauren could achieve that fantasy ingame. And the grimtotem skull art and fel eyes for all warlocks would be cool. Although this one has fiery eyes.

Overall love all those ideas in your post.

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That is super cool looking and thanks, most of what I want tends to revolve around character customizations and character race/class choices but I also like seeing everyone else’s ideas as well so threads like this one are always great. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


I fully support this list and thread. The Idea of having more unique and fun player character things to the game is good and great. That is something that World of Warcraft is seriously lacking the most and why most MMOS like ESO and FF14 is taking over WoW’s Place and I think New World is also doing that as well.

Seriously through. Blizzard really has lost touch with the Community and I think in patch 9.2 they already have with very brand and not really fun content. Yea the Zone and stuff is cool and all but where’s the New Dungeons, New PVP BGS, Customization Options, and tons of things besides 1 raid every patch.

Like they really do need to step up the plate and actually do better because having Jailer Thanos as the main bad guy isn’t good story or gameplay at all.


I hope the covenant races become playable allies. I personally enjoy leveling multiple characters and races; makes the game feel different when I’m ready for a change.

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Class skins sound cool and I really want them

However I don’t think they should cover multiple classes like that, as it would result in everyone looking the same

Imagine a raid with all 3 warlock and all 3 mage specs present, but they’re all using the necromancer skin and look exactly alike

Then the rogue and DK are also using the skin so they look like melee versions of the same class

It just seems way too homogenized to me. I think it would work better of classes got their own exclusive skins

new feature: player housing. new profession: furniture crafting. and xfaction pve. and AH BUY orders.

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Two things I’d like to see but prolly won’t ever happen…

  • Transmog restrictions removed. Let us mog greys thru to legendary gear. Let us mog holiday gear all year round.

  • Let WoW go back to a simpler time. No more old gods corrupting faction leaders or anything like that. No old gods at all for one whole expansion. Keep things in Azeroth and let us go up against something cool like the Scarlet Crusade. Just no more old gods corrupting whoever. So boring.

go bigger.

demand armor dyes.

it’s probably a developer tool already, just has to be made into player interface accessible.

These are all the big ones I would like to see as well as long tail option for red Pandaren males.


Fix the sky over Northrend and seal the Shadowlands shut forever.


Yea not sure about that myself but that was what the artist of those posts made. I assume they meant that the spell fx (color changes and particle stuff) would be simlar themes and colors. The spells themselves would be unique perclass. The way he envisioned at least. I wouldn’t mind other classes dipping into the same fantasies. Like that happens already. I think it would be cool if some of the class skins even changed magic school types. For example if mages had a class skin to wield lightning spells instead of say fire that would be neat, they would have to change to nature damage and masteries too.

If they do this hopefully we get like an angelhunter skin for demonhunters that uses spears maybe? Something like Kayle from League of legends!

I would also love to transmog grey and white quality items.

I wouldn’t mind as long as there is a good story and cool rewards such as customization and vanity items with the expansion.

Who knows what will happen. Seems like people want a story reset but it seems weird to me.


How about something fun to do that justifies the money I put in every month that isn’t some expansion gimmick or something designed in such away to cynically maximize time inputs for the company metrics like its a damn phone game.


The mii system? What are you talking about?

Also, why is WoW trying to cater to people who want to play other types of games? People who, you know… want to not play WoW?

World of warcraft already incorporates from many different games. Much of the storylines can be stuff like comics from Marvel. Many of the minigames are already part of other games. Wow even has its own version of plants vs zombies in hillsbrad. Its not weird to draw inspiration from other games for features you want to see brought up for player customization or housing. Wow already does that with many things in the game. Torgast was based on being a Rouge like experience.