10.0 may not happen

Nah the company is driving people away.

No I do not expect that at all. Everquest franchise is still releasing xpacs and they have a fraction of WoWs Sub base, also even though Subs may be down they seem to be making enough money from the cash shop to more than make up the difference.

This is dumb.

They could literally put out patches that are just bejeweled, string puzzles, and plants vs zombies and still make millions a month.

It’s never going to end.

Heck, lots of MMOs that have almost no players are still going.


10.0 and many more will happen.

The game is loosing player base but has and is still making money from the store and other avenues.

The game your playing now and the game you will play in 10.0 or 11.0 will be based on what they think is the most marketable and profitable. As things are going you won’t get an expansion you will see seasons with raid, pvp, and mythic+. The world will become smaller and the stories just a small cutscenes to kick off a season play.

WOW’s version of overwatch.

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Because 9 made them boatloads of money, and so will 10.

You are incredibly naive lol


Think about it 6 hours to level in the expansion… 2 days and we are watching world first on the new raid… That’s what they see as a good thing… that’s the content they will start pushing out faster… Level and quest why people raid, PVP, and mythic+

I’m definitely not defending Shadowlands. I think it was a major mistake to take us to the afterlife. My point is that since things could have change on Azeroth (when we return) it gives Blizz the perfect opportunity to move us forward and possibly really revamp the play filed. New leaders, new factions and new capitols.

I would rather have been brought back in time to primordial Azeroth and dealt with the Black Empire, instead of Shadowlands.


Was there a sale on sandwich board signs recently? Because WoW’s doomsayer cup is definitely overflowing.

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You may want to reevaluate how you define failure. from a monetary standpoint, shadowlands is the most successful expansion in the history of the game. And if you’re running a business, all other metrics combined dont add up in importance to just that one thing.


Yes, this.

This seems to really go missing for many (most?) of the posters in GD. WoW is making a lot of money. A LOT of that money is not based on subscription fees, but store sales, as well, which makes them less dependent on people dropping subs.

The best argument I have read against that is that the exodus to FF14 will result in whales snapping their wallets shut, because whales only spend in the “it” game. I dunno about that logic, however … I’ve seen plenty of small, garbage MMOs that were supported by whales just fine and weren’t the “it” game that all the koolkidgamers were playing at the time.

Bottom line is that SL made, and is making, a ton of cash for Acti-Blizz. Until WoW really really starts to suffer financially, Acti-Blizz won’t change anything much.


That is not how it works. SL made a lot of money. They will continue making wow until the well runs dry.

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Have you done the boss encounters in FF 14?


Looks a lot like a better looking/sounding WoW raid encounter to me - WoW has more raid encounters - but the “raids” are really just obligatory trash clears leading to what matters (the boss) FF 14 just skips to the reason people showed up. I would somewhat agree there are less interesting Dungeons in FF 14 in general however (though “Violet Hold” is hardly a dungeon as is “Black Morass”) FF 14 does have a few really nice dungeons - nothing like the 2 aforementioned - and FF 14 actually has more dungeons (in less time) likely due to the shorthand used.

I mean really - most folks only run the same dungeon 1 or 2 times in FF 14 - in WoW your grinding those dungeons for Gear and M+ so the increased investment in them makes sense.

As for “raids” or rather “raid encounters” I think FF 14 beats WoW in general especially with a respect for the players time.

I hate how I feel I am “behind” in WoW if I choose not to play it for a week. FF 14 to be fair does not have that issue (it does however have issues that annoy me like the Blinding spell effects sometimes and what feels like a overblown MSQ)


I’m not so far removed from WoW that I’d begin to think 10.0 won’t happen because of Shadowlands failures.

If anything, 10.0 will probably be much sooner because of it.

To be fair, World of Warcraft’s current raid design is not reflective of how raids were designed years ago. There was a point in time in which the trash encounters between bosses actually meant something; ICC had loads of trash mobs that had mechanics applied to them.

Make a solo patch or whatever for it and I’ll play it off line and actually enjoy it.


and that’s 72million at $60 bundle, not to account for all tokens, race changes, faction changes, other store purchases.

And WoW team still can’t deliver a somewhat put together patch after 9 months. They seriously need to hire more people.


Raids look better than wow I agree, but they are too short and have predictable mechanics.
Only Ultimate raids are actually hard and they only make 1-2 per expansion.

This sounds like you’re experiencing burn out. Take a break for a while.

They’re still rakin stacks on WoW my dude.

stacks on stacks

dolla dolla bill

no cap

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Jailer wins and WoW 2 happens. New engine, new combat, new class designs. Only takes place in Azeroth, but Azeroth is 3x bigger in scale.


As long as the money it takes to create a patch -good, bad or absolute trash - is measurably less than the money that patch - good, bad or absolute trash - brings in, there will be a 10.0. And 11.0. And 12.0. That’s just economics.