10.0 hunter wishlist

A little :wink:

MM needs a serious look at its talent tree.

Serpent Sting should have been made baseline over Arcane Shot. It would easily fit into every spec’s rotation. For MM and BM, it would be more of a set and forget type ability, but this could be changed by talents (looking at Chimaera Shot), whereas for SV it’s a much more important part of the rotation.

I don’t understand how Dead Eye made it through this entire xpac without being completely reworked. Speaking of that row, and I’m sure I’m about to get some mad replies for saying this, but Double Tap needs to go. It seems like it is too hard to balance around. I would rather have my shots hit harder more consistently than once a minute have a murder button. Nothing on this row seems like it would ever be able to compare to Double Tap. I would be all for replacing this with Readiness.

Chimaera Shot is pretty much useless. Barely any increase to ST over Arcane Shot, and doesn’t apply Trick Shots so pretty much useless at 3+ targets. 2 target is way too niche to ever pick this over Streamline or Steady Focus. Speaking of Streamline, it would be nice to have an xpac where my biggest damage spell isn’t ****ing Rapid Fire.

Replace Trailblazer with Hunting Party. It gives us an option for group utility over personal survival.

The last row isn’t bad really. Calling the Shots is weak because Trueshot sucks. I’ve been wanting Lock n’ Load baseline for a while(the old Master Marksman was great).

Murder of Crows is completely useless.

Outside of talents, Trueshot sucks. Like… really sucks. Just give us a straight damage or haste buff or something. I know it’s kind of boring but the current iteration of Trueshot is clunky as hell, and pressing anything other than Aimed Shot or Rapid Fire feels bad.

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Murder of Crows is completely useless.

I would love if it got buffd to the point of being an acceptable alternate meta tbh. Same with chimera on MM. In general it feels like proper balancing should make all talent picks work.

Keep MM and BM as it is but remove focus from both specs.
it does nothing but give us downtime.