100% dodge removed from Death Sweep

Pets don’t have a cooldown.

Mechanics that you are able to dodge in pve don’t happen every 9 secs. The short cd only affects pvp. So, sure remove it in pvp that was the only place it was truly breaking mechanics compared to other classes.

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To say this, you’re either arguing out of ignorance or being intentionally untruthful. I don’t think either is wise.

Where does the 9 sec cd make a difference in pve content that another class can not do the same thing? Generally curious because I can’t think of one.


I started to list every trash and boss mechanic you can nullify with it, and decided to stop. So I googled and found this after around thirty seconds.

From link you posted
Ok, I guess the serrated teeth on Re’zan if that can actually be done. Never heard of that or anyone mention doing it before. Yeah, DH would be the only one that could get everyone single cast because of blade dance.
Other Atal trash one hunter pet can do easier.
There are many ways to break the Eudora mechanic as any range class.
I guess you can step in for a 1 sec for the Shark Tornado. Rogues just out range it with a talent.
King’s Rest:
The mini boss trash other classes have ways to deal with the axe barrage dot. Doesn’t happen enough for blade dance to be the only option.
Other classes can break the barrel through charge as well.
Doesn’t even mention blade dancing the berserkers to dodge the bleed, but pets can do that even easier.
Tol Dagor:
I guess you can dodge every flashing dagger unlike any other class. Doesn’t really gain you that much or break that mechanic since you can just hide from it.
Last boss hunters can get everyone whenever it is targeted at them. Other classes can get 1 or 2 a fight without getting the debuff as well. Monk tanks can get every one as well if no DH.
Waycrest Manor:
Crush isn’t dangerous enough to need to blade dance everyone for the tank. If there was one that needed to be done a pally could do it too. Joke for monk tanks.

So from that post I only see Serrated Teeth as the only mechanic that DH is the only that can “break” it because blade dance is a 9 sec cd. Everything else other classes can “break” just fine with their longer cd abilities.

I know you can “break” a lot with blade dance. I’m specifically asking what it’s breaking that other classes can’t do because they have a cd on something that is longer than 9 secs.


Ah yes, Blizzard nerfing a class because of crybabies instead of looking at the actual metrics. Nothing new there. It appears Demon Hunter is being cast down into the same pit the smoldering remains of Enhancement were left laying in.

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Then make that ability to be affected by all boss skills. Is insane all defended are been nerfed, and on top of that the only one f sec of dodge. I wonder really how much in a sec, one sec of a fight is really changing the end result of the battle,. Let say in a one min fight vs a paladin how many sec of shield vs what could be 1sec dodge Avery 15 sec that is the CD of the skill in shadowlands, how much selfheal can the pally do in that shield? Compare to the 5 % self heal from the dh. Pally can get all HP back, while dh have to fight their way, can die in one stun.

I think of the dh as a shark, if doesn’t swim, dies.

A shark that’s hilariously vulnerable to roots and slows. An awful lot of not swimming ------> dying already goes on. Just imagine how it’ll be in Shadowlands, with your already subpar defenses destroyed.

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Removing the dodge completely is a weird change. If anything they should have just replaced Desperate Instincts with a talent that gave Blade Dance its dodge back. Between this change and all the other survivability/damage nerfs Havoc has received I can’t see them having a place in M+ at least for the first season.


Wasn’t the dodge to offset any negative penalties associated with dashing all over the place and taking hits to the back?

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