100% dodge removed from Death Sweep

Well, blade dance never should have had a dodge component baked in from day one, so i agree with the nerf.

What i don’t agree with is all of the nerfs that have happened without replacements. If removing the dodge from blade dance, give us a baseline defensive with a short cd that we can press for 100% dodge.

If we’ve been able to 100% dodge via blade dance every 6-9 seconds for the last… four years? I don’t see why we can’t 100% dodge once every 20-25 seconds. Would make for a great increase to our skill cap!

Similarly, our leech was also busted. I’m fine with it being nerfed (because i think leech in and of itself is a bad mechanic), provided it’s replaced with an ability or a more engaging passive heal effect.

If the nerfs serve to provide opportunities to increase our skill cap, I’m 100% in favor of them. In some cases, the nerfs are justified because we were broken in many ways. That said, it’s hard to design a class in a new expansion when it’s been defined by borrowed powers.

Blizard is taking away borrowed powers, simultaneously nerfing our defensives, and not replacing any of it with meaningful baseline synergies, abilities, or opportunities to raise the skill cap. Looking very sad


jaja coming from a shaman they can run away heal them self close and range combat etc… we all complain about other classes, we don’t have a button that heals if we get stun we die.

From a pvp perspective, with meta being up for a long portion of the fight, I would say yes. Not only that, but when you look at the conduits, I actually think DH will be harder to kill in SL.

PASSIVE 20% magic dmg reduction
45 second cd blur
Healing orbs healing increased by 50%, so if you go with healing orb talent, there will be crazy healing.

If you look at the class from only the perspective of the nerfs, then sure I can see how you could be worried - but when you take into account the conduits, they will be even tankier than they currently are.

First that is max rank conduits. We don’t know when or how you get those yet. Might not even be first tier. Second, you don’t just get a full soulbind right away to slot conduits in. That is going to take 3-4 months to unlock fully with renown. Third you need a soulbind that lets you slot 3 endurance conduits and then you are giving up a lot doing that because you might not even get any potency ones. So, sure it might be possible to get all that stuff, but you are losing a lot of other power to get it.


Okay, while it will take some time to get all that stuff, it’s still possible. Now let’s imagine how it would be getting all those a month or two down the line along with having the things they have now.

We can’t just say, “It’s going to suck in the beginning so it needs to change” and instead we need to look at the long game. Kind of like DK, the base healing of death strike will be 13% of their health which will be super powerful. But in the beginning it’s only 5%. So with 20k hp pools, a death strike is a 1k heal which you can only do two with a 100 runic power.

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A lot of people cite this and the only reason I can think for them to do so is they watched a video that gave out misinformation, or wasn’t specific enough.

Now I haven’t looked into other covenant conduit progression too much, but I did experiment with Ven’thyr, which appears to be the best covenant ability-wise imo.

The ideal path gets you three offensive (I think callled potency) conduits, and one utility conduit. There are no endurance conduits on the best path for ven’thyr.

Secondly, the healing boost directly references shattered souls.
Shattered souls is our baseline passive that gives a soul fragment when we kill an enemy.
Unless someone can prove me wrong with testing as I personally haven’t tested this, the wording leads me to believe that the healing boost would not apply to lesser soul fragments because shattered souls has nothing to do with lesser soul fragments

We absolutely can when we’re discussing borrowed powers. You’re excusing a system of waiting for a borrowed power to kick in by citing a class’s baseline ability. See the flaw here? This is yet another patch where we appear to be more and more dependent on borrowed powers because our core toolkit is stripped so bare we have virtually nothing without them


The problem is not that they remove the dodge, it is that they do not put anything to compensate, ALL our defenses have been nerfed, each and every one of them, and we do not gain anything in any way, our mechanics are the same, they are leaving us to the floor :confused:


It’s not even just about the niche case of the defensive, it’s that somehow they’re finding ways to make the spec -even simpler-, as if that’s what it needed.


Shaman heal can be stoped while it’s going with a interrupt or CC, 100% dodge chance on a low CD can’t be interrupted while it’s going.

Glad is gone.

how many sec the paladin and warlock DK shields last? and we cant have 1 sec every 8 10 secs? thats BS


There’s a difference.

Death sweep’s dodge utterly broke mechanics.

The dodge gave a skill ceiling niche in PvE. Wont argue that it probably needed to change in PvP, probably removed from blade dance but left on death sweep.

Theres a clear skill gap between the DHs that were pressing it on CD vs the ones that would hold it for a global or 2 to soak an otherwise lethal mechanic in PvE, now its just gone, people are always crying about being rewarded for gameplay but cheer when the opportunity for that gameplay is just purged from the game.

The entire “problem” of the dodge mechanic being “OP” stems from first blood essentially being the mandatory talent on the row, and how well we scaled with borrowed powers which gasp disappear when the expansion ends.


Which is fundamentally broken design. Withholding a primary damaging ability in the interest of utility feels bad.

No, it stems from having a defensive utility baked into an offensive ability. It was made much more obvious because of first blood, but shining a light on a broken thing doesn’t mean it wasn’t broken in the first place.

The dodge being removed in and of itself is a good thing because it shouldn’t have existed in the first place. The issue, however, is that we weren’t compensated with a replacement.

You can have the dodge, it just needs to be baked into an active defensive ability with a short cd


The skill ceiling you’re talking about is breaking mecahnics.

Which is bad.

Its a forced primary damaging ability because of a talent.

So BoP, DP, Ice Block, Netherwalk, Cloak, Evasion, all these “break” mechanics. Severing blade for example, can be blade danced, you can also put any pet next to the beserker when he jumps, completely nullifying the mechanic.



None of those are offensive abilities. They’re utility abilities.

Without the talent you dont use it in your rotation?

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Sure you do. It’s an aoe button. The talent simply includes it in ST rotations.
Regardless, it’s an offensive ability.

Its function in the damaging rotation is essentially irrelevant. We’re discussing basic ability design.

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Hunter pets can “break” mechanics and so can vanish. Pets are for sure needed for dps and you can argue about vanish, but it is used in the rotation as a dps increase. Thinking about it I guess warlock pets can too, but who brings warlocks to m+.

This is more at Derez though who’s only argument is it breaking mechanics. Which is a stupid argument when so many other abilities do it too.


Five minute, two minute, four minute, two minute, two minute, two minute cooldowns. And one of those is a talent.

Sweep is a 9s cd reduced by haste.

Do you see the disparity.

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