10 years, really?

I just wanted to correct you

Welcome to the club.

Correct me enough times and you’ll get badges. :slight_smile:

I think it’d be funny if she were just killed off screen by an NPC like Ironforge Mountaineer. One that’s just sitting in a tavern with her bow on the bar.

(I’m aware it’d be a disservice, but I’d chuckle, at least.)


Bellular is nothing more than a clickbait YouTuber who tries to hide his anti-Blizz bias by saying ‘but it would be monetarily advantageous of me to praise Blizz!’ despite the fact he gets most his views specifically because he is clearly anti-Blizz and essentially the T&E of the ‘Activision-Blizzard has ruined this game’ crowd within WoW.

Does anyone think 10 years would change anything? Most character live for a 1000 years and Anduin would only be 30.

It could change a lot. You could change the entire setting with a ten year span if you had the desire and the writers.

It needs to be somewhere in the range of at least 18-20 years so that solider stock can be replenished.

Whatever happens odds are we will return to an Azeroth conquered by a third party as we have always been at the tip of any spear aimed to cut its throat out. But without us…Azeroth is defenceless.

……this makes me disturbingly think that we have to rediscover our factions after we’ve been gone in SLs, hence the need to haul around the useless bones of dead heros……

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Oh the one hand, another (somewhat) horde figure getting gacked by a random NPC would annoy me.

On the other, it’s Sylvanas, and it would annoy all the whiny night elf fetishists here so that’s a plus.

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In the 10 years between 1981 and 1991, the Soviet union went from a world superpower on par with the US, to a looted, crumbling Russia with a drunk dictator and a sattelite of postcolonial states.

Ten years is a long time in geopolitics.


The Invasion of the Light scenario makes a lot of sense when you realise that at least one of the new Allied races has a racial ability of resistance to Holy damage.

Honestly, the whole “Invasion of the Light” scenario only really works if they manage to tie it in with Sylvanas somehow.

As in, “hey, we have this army of light-crazed zealots who want to enslave us all, here, let’s throw a banshee-shaped nuke armed with half the souls of Azeroth at them.”

Because even if Blizzard decides to make what we saw with Xe’ra and Alternate Yrel into the next enemy faction, they still have the Sword of Damocles that is “What the Hell Do We Do With Sylvanas” hanging over their heads.