10 levels and no stronger than the end of BFA

Please support the bug report - Blizz wanted bug reports on the bug report forum now, so they got one (this is targeted towards raid boss health)



/shrug it’s just the nature of the game.

Everytime a new expansion comes out, things get reset and you start from 0 again at max level. Levels are no longer a meaningful measurement of power because they can’t be - blizz realized that at the end of wrath, when classes were starting to mature, then really realized it at the end of MOP, when class abilities were just OP. There’s just a limit to how much stuff you can heap on without it becoming an unmanageable mess.

So, levels have become not a reflection of character power, but a way to offer a framework for progressing through a story, and the ‘power boost’ from an expansion comes from stuff like artifacts and soulbinds, which go away after the expansion. And honestly? This is fine.

When you’re talking about the current expansion content, you’re not wrong. But removing the ability to solo old content is NOT fine, it will kill the game. If this stands, then in a few months, BFA will look like a huge success compared to SL.

If they want the game to survive, they need to do whatever is necessary to keep us significantly more powerful in old content by levelling. Whether it’s legacy buffs, or multipliers, or whatever. We should NEVER EVER get weaker in old content by levelling, that’s just mind bogglingly stupid.


I dunno if I agree. Last-expansion content is historically usually not universally soloable; often you’d need to wait for ilvl from later tiers or for the next expansion entirely. I don’t see the issue with needing to make a group for achivements or transmogs, and I suspect blizz is more then fine with not having to worry about previous expansion gold faucets.

Last expansion raids are historically not soloable early on. Later on it becomes possible to solo some previous expansion early raids with some skill. 5-man content in the previous expansion should be ABSOLUTELY soloable. And raids should be able to be 3-manned. Mythic I could see taking 4-5.

2 expansions back, everything including mythic should be pretty easily universally soloable. Either way…they remove this, they remove a LARGE portion of their subscription base. I will not be staying past my current 22-23 days if this is not fixed. I’m not saying I should be able to solo Nya’lotha at this point in SL, but we should be very easily 3-manning Uldir and BOD at this point. As it stands, even 20 level 60’s have problems in BOD.


LOL Ions new interview:

“The team is listening closely to the community”

Ummmmmm are they? Looks at Dec 1st date of this thread, looks at current middle of Jan date…


He never said they will respond to the community. He is still in the process of listening.

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Yep, accepting feedback. Just like with the guild permissions, since 2018.

has blizz fix old content to be solo? am talking about legion and before. Not BFA kind understand that still being little hard.

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I did the pre patch event for SL and got pretty full 110 ilvl and ilvl 115 weapons pretty much I haven’t find any upgrade for some of the items till I reach close to 59 even then some pieces aren’t even worth the upgrade since the secondary stats for the pre patch event was better than quest itmes. Had to hit 60 and buy ilvl 168 off the AH.

just went back and did yogg saren. he is impossible now. literally. the npcs are unable to be attacked. he one shots you with insanity at 80 stacks. can’t attack the tendrils because they either don’t show up or they are out of range even though they are right in front of you. can’t get past phase 2. this is to farm mimirons head. THANKS BLIZZ. i really really wanted that mount.


A friend and I did some Mythic island expeditions since there’s one more quest item that he needs for the achievement. Despite the mobs being gray to us, us being in the high iLvl 180s, and them not really doing much damage to us, they all had ENORMOUS health pools and took just as long to kill as they did during late BFA.

Mark that up to being one more thing that’s still broken with iLvl health pool scaling. I’m sure that Horrific Visions are the same, and I know that Uldum/Pandaria invasion zones were already said to be like that too.


This is really discouraging. One of the reasons i like new expansions is i can go back and experience raids I didn’t get to because I don’t really have that kind of time in the evening.
I hope they decide to fix this in one way or another because if not I’ll prolly just end my sub once i’m done dying a million times in the maw.


Almost 2 months on and blizzard refuse to budge. I feel like i’ve lost hope as there are gamebreaking bugs with their current game (SLs) that they aren’t even fixing. Feels like no one is even manning blizzard HQ anymore :woman_shrugging: :woman_facepalming:


don’t you get it yet? casuals aren’t welcome anymore. even the casual stuff is a front. it’s meant to fuel the hardcore raiders.


Yep, and the game is going to make BFA look like a rousing success within a couple months. Not only sub-million, but probably sub-500k.


Ion doesn’t care about us “filthy casuals”. His elite buddies and himself are the only ones who matter.


Blizzard is going to find out in a hurry that “filthy casuals” keep the game running. Less than 0.5% of the playerbase are the “hardcore” types he likes. I won’t be surprised if the game actually dies after this expansion unless MAJOR changes are made in a hurry. It will be funny watching them panic and overcorrect to try to get casuals to return though.


That’s exactly it. They keep waiting until the money stop coming in. I truly believe they need to replace Ion or it’s the end of this game.


100% Agree with this, Cries in filthy casual

Also totally agree with this, at some point they are going to have to go in to damage control, why it hasn’t already happened is beyond me but still. They are going to need to pull up their big boy pants and realise their egos and ideas about fun need to be binned if they are to save this game.

This. So much this. He needs to go, his elitist ideas about fun have destroyed the game.