Tired of the insane one shots this season?! Dont worry blizz got you covered!
All healing done is now reduced by 10% in Rated Battlegrounds and Battleground Blitz.*
Tired of death wish fury wars running untouched while you struggle to do 8 mil HPS?! Dont worry blizz got you covered!
All healing done is now reduced by 10% in Rated Battlegrounds and Battleground Blitz.*
Absolutely fry cooked game. Already was debating leaving due to the high burst. This just solidifys it. Every dps player is creaming right now I’m sure Ill be alone in saying this.
This is just stupid, absolutely stupid.
im worried the PVP devs forgot that their breakfast was in the bowl and ate their spoon instead this week. someone should check on them.
All healing done is now reduced by 10% in Rated Battlegrounds and Battleground Blitz.
Good change. Healers are too strong in battlegrounds.
I might actually play Blitz now.
Great change.
I wish more people would explain why they think a change is bad instead of just saying “it’s bad”.
Also note that I am not saying whether I think this is a good change or not.
Some very good changes coming down the pipeline on Tuesday! This one in particular was sorely needed.
Today in an Ashran, I saw a premade with 12 healers, 10 of whom were priests. What really blew my mind was that 5 priests charged right at us and basically TANKED us. This is just so taunting.
Seriously, if healing especially priest healing and damage mitigation aren’t nerfed, all wow pvp devs need to be fired.
Similarly, in low MMR Blitz, having two priests almost guarantees a win because the opponents end up getting tanked by priests.
For the actual patch notes
Mixed feelings here, I like the 10% healing reduction but I’m worried what my WOG will look like after it is implemented. Not a fan of slapping damage on a ret paladin and giving it the green light, reminds me too much of SL balancing for us.
sure. of my about 120 blitz games, from low ones with my mom, to 3k+mmr. I’ve had 1 stalemate this season.
And the most 80-0/100-0 HP in 1-2 sec since shadowlands S1. Damage is high enough.
what a surprise drooling dps player wants to be able to 1v1 healers. didnt see that coming /s
Thank god, good healers in bgs are immortal.
Wait until you all see the MW/holy priest/dragon/holy paly buffs lol
I’m a little concerned that this isn’t going to sit well with Healers and it’s going to (potentially) backfire something fierce.
While a 10% healing reduction isn’t really all that much, I think a lot of Healers will be mad about this change on principle. You might find queue times going up come Tuesday as Healers boycott the game-mode.
I’m on the fence. I’ll wait and see how the Disc nerfs coupled with a flat 10% nerf feel after Tuesday. Maybe it’s fine, maybe with the galaxy of non-DRing CC/silence chains it won’t be fun to play anymore.
Nah. Most people are terminally addicted to this game and BGB will still be easier to heal than RSS/real arena. Some will quit if the gameplay sucks (I’ll be one of them) but I doubt it will be enough to get a majority % of healers to start touching grass. Lol
This isnt going to be a thing btw. Blitz is incredibly easy to gain rating in, they wouldnt boycott this mode.
Lmao, even.
unless of course your class’s defensive toolkit is based around self healing.
oh good, we are nerfing deathstrike by 10% but making up for it with 5% damage reduction for 1 more second, wait what?
You’re cool…don’t come to queues on Tuesday…
Yes, we really need to make things easier on the clueless DPS who struggle with a rotation and interrupt air, then complain how it takes 5 people to kill a healer.
The only healer stalemates that occur at high rating in Blitz is when it’s 2v2 at a node, and even then people CC cap or knock etc. It very much doesn’t take more than 2 good players to kill a healer.
Discipline’s the only healer that felt somewhat immortal, for obvious reasons. (They should never have gotten the second Pain Sup charge, let’s be real.)