10 day suspension for chat

I was suspended for 10 days after trolling and talking about some unpopular political opinions in trade chat while others were. I made an appeal US83494026 (ticket #) because I thought 10 days was really harsh for this (I have not been suspended for anything in ages). I’ll definitely refrain from doing anything similar again but I thought a silence was usually the worst case scenario for these types of things.

That’s the correct step to take. Appeals are not handled via the forums, so you’ll want to wait on that ticket.

Note though that if you were indeed making “unpopular political opinions in trade chat”, it’s not likely to be overturned. I’d suggest steering clear of such topics in-game as politics has no place in an online virtual game world :wink:


Steering clear of it is the plan at this point but as I said above I just felt it was a bit harsh. I have not been banned for anything in years. I apologize for the comments and I just hope you’re wrong on the not likely overturned bit.

To be honest, if you have previous account actions (especially any sort of suspension or ban) then those will be taken into account when further account actions are taken.

But your only hope is the ticket you already have open.


I think I do from way back in an earlier expansion but nothing recent. I mean I only just started playing again after over a year off at that.

Got the 10 day ban myself for abusing a feral who was win trading in the solo arena quest.

He lost all three games without doing a thing on my team then games 4-6 plays super well with his rogue mate so I let him have it. They obviously reported me got away with their unsportsmanlike conduct / game ruining for other competitors and I miss out with on a week for swearing.

Another note the ban came into effect on the last boss of an 11 mists key at 40% with my guild. so I have no idea if I got the completion for it and if I will get a vault next week now.

All for swearing lol can I have my money back

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You should have reported them for cheating, not talking to them. Like they did with you because you felt the need to “let him have it”.


A better me would do that, but I’m me and I retaliate to such blatant acts of selfishness and cheaters.

1 more point I’d like to add is that I’m Australian. Swearing is such a normality for more than half of the population, I should t be judged so harshly for my fondness of a cuss word here and there, Blizzard should have different ToS for us aussies lol. We don’t take things so serisouly - especially in a fantasy video game but sticks and stone Ls these days do break bones.

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Then be prepared for the consequences.

That would only possibly work if Australia were it’s own zone (like NA, EU, Korea, China). It doesn’t.

You don’t actually speak for all Australians. You only speak for yourself.


Using profanity as a regular means of expression isn’t unique to you or your compatriots, but participation in society comes with certain understandings that not all behavior is appropriate in all places, or among all people and ages.

That those interactions take place in “a fantasy video game” doesn’t diminish our societal obligations to one another. You don’t have to take playing the game seriously to respect those around you and that you agreed to abide by our Code of Conduct when you decided to play it.

Next time, please just use the reporting option in-game.