10-15 [H] players Thalnos looking to merge

I have a group of a little more than 10 people guilding up for classic. We are looking for a similar sized like minded guild to merge with.

Values and hopes :
We are very ambitious and competitive, but aren’t the type to scold other members , this leads to no where .
Lots of us plan on being in the first wave to hit 60. We would like to have a moderate to smaller sized guild , to ensure our core raid group is progressing together .

Raid Times : preferably on Weekends , or weekdays after 6pm. We can discuss this .

Add GrapeApe#1703 on discord to chat .

Hey! I added you on Discord. Name is Astr0 on discord

Sound like yall would fit in with us pretty well…IF you rolled Alliance :wink:

Hey there tried to send you an invite on Discord. Infernal is always looking for new people. Check out my post. We’re actually a gaming community with a ton of players but only between 10 and 30 going into wow classic.

Add my battletag Achilles#13238
Or my Discord Achilles#4076

Hey dude! [Blood Pledge] is the guild we will be running. There are at least 8 RL friends starting off together on day one. If you guys are interesting in merging with us then just holler at me on battlenet at Polarbearus#11904. We will most likely be raiding at the times you posting earlier with flexibility. Also we are Horde if no one mentioned that yet lol

We are a very casual guild made up of WoW veterans with families and lives outside of WoW. Our raid times and days seem to fit with your schedule. Please consider heading over to Whitemane to join us!

[H][Whitemane] <TBA> Casual PvE/PvP guild LFM [CST]

WE are a casual guild that will do some PVE end game if we grow large enough. Mos tof us are based in the Atlantic time zone of Canada. If you want to join would eb great to see you. Most of us are around 30s, Lot’s of us have families. We are just a chill group all around.
